Committed (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 552(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 368(@300wpm)

“I hope you don’t mind me telling you these things,” Vic murmured. “It’s just that…I have never been affected by a female before I met you. And now I find myself thinking about things I never did before—desiring things I never desired before.”

“You…you can kiss me if you want to, er, find out what it’s like,” Torri offered breathlessly. “I…I don’t mind. I—”

But Vic cut her off with a kiss. Cupping her cheek, he leaned down to press his lips to hers.

Torri froze at first—then found she was kissing him back hungrily. His mouth tasted slightly like cinnamon and his lips were warm and gentle and eager all at the same time.

She pressed herself more fully against him, loving the feel of her breasts rubbing against his broad chest—it made her nipples tingle and her pussy wet to be so close to him, to finally feel his mouth on hers…

God, I’ve wanted this almost from the first day I met him, she admitted to herself. Wanted to taste him and let him taste me. He just feels so good—so right—pressed against me!

It was true—there was none of the awkwardness of a first kiss—especially considering this was Vic’s first kiss ever. Their mouths seemed made to fit together and she loved the taste of him.

Despite his inexperience, he wasn’t clumsy or uncertain. Actually, he seemed to know exactly what he wanted. When the tip of his tongue lapped gently at the seam of her lips, Torri opened to him at once. He explored her gently and then sucked on the tip of her tongue, inviting her to explore him in turn.

Torri felt hot and cold all over as she pressed herself against him. During the terrible time she’d spent in St. Elizabeth’s, her sex drive had completely deserted her. Now it came rushing back and she found that she had months of pent-up desire filling her.

Vic’s big, warm hands ran over her arms and sides and hips, stroking and caressing restlessly as he pulled her towards him. Torri stroked his broad, bare back, pulling him closer. It was like neither of them could get enough of each other. She couldn’t remember making-out with such intensity and desire since she was a teenager. It was like her body had come alive under his touch and was demanding more…so much more.

At last the kiss broke, leaving both of them breathless.

“That was…I have no words,” Vic said at last, stroking her cheek. “Thank you for letting me kiss you, Torri.”

“That was really your first kiss? I mean, because you were really, really good at it,” Torri said, leaning into his touch.

He nodded.

“As I said, I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone before. I think maybe while my positronic net was down and the organic part of my brain was in charge, it allowed me to find you attractive. And now, even though my positronic net has repaired itself, I can’t stop thinking of you,” he murmured.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot, too,” Torri admitted, biting her lip. She wanted to be closer to him—wanted to kiss him again. But though she was very assertive in her day-to-day life, inside the bedroom, she was more used to a man being the aggressor or initiator.

But it seemed that Vic was a virgin and not used to initiating. She wondered how she could get them to the next step—“second base”—as she and her friends in high school had called it.

“You know,” she said, looking him in the eyes. “I understand that this is all, er, new to you. And I don’t mind if you want to…to find out some of those other things you were, uh, wondering about. I mean, you know, you said you wondered what it would be like to…to touch a woman? And that kind of thing,” she ended, her cheeks getting hot with a blush. Was she going too far? Being too forward?

But Vic didn’t seem to think so. His gaze was intense and full of desire.

“You’ll let me touch your beautiful body and bring you pleasure tonight?”

“If…if you want to,” Torri whispered breathlessly.

“Sweetheart,” he murmured, stroking her cheek, “I have never wanted anything like I want to touch you. Can we sit up so that I can pleasure you without the bed coverings in the way?”

By this time Torri was thoroughly warmed up—even hot—so she didn’t mind a bit.

“Of course,” she murmured. “Why don’t you, er, sit against the headboard and I’ll sit in your lap?”

“That sounds perfect,” Vic growled. Sitting up, he leaned back against the headboard of the bed and Torri climbed into his lap, straddling his lean hips as she faced him.

Her heart was beating like crazy and she was hyperaware of how vulnerable and sexual this position made her feel. The silky nightgown she was wearing had pulled down on top, so that it barely covered her nipples. The hem was pushed up around her hips, so that it barely covered her pussy. But she liked it—loved it in fact. The sexual side of her, so newly reawakened, was still demanding more.


