Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

I shiver. The way she says it doesn’t make it seem like a quaint folktale. More like a warning.

“That covers an awful lot of issues,” Z jokes, his voice an easy rumble that cuts through the moment.

Lilly’s red lips twist with humor. “Be happy that thing got lost. She wanted to pass it on to me when I got married. I said no thank you.”

“Sounds like it would’ve brought us good luck,” Z says, the warmth in his tone unmistakable.

She gently grips his chin, tilting his face toward her, staring at him with so much affection, I feel like we’re intruding on a private moment. “I was a little girl who had no intention of ever getting married. If I’d known you were in my future, I would’ve accepted it.”

A few guys groan. Someone makes a whip-crack noise.

Another guy mutters, get a room. But no one really seems cruel about it. Z’s a club president, and it’s obvious the guys all have a lot of respect for him. It doesn’t hurt that he’s utterly unapologetic about his open affection for his wife.

I glance at Jigsaw, almost expecting him to be rolling his eyes at the display.

But he’s not looking at them.

He’s focused on me.

A quiet warmth spreads through my chest. I reach over, sliding my hand over his knee. “They’re sweet.”

“Sweet’s not the word I’d usually use for Z, but with Lilly, yeah.”

Before I have a chance to ask anything else, a woman on the other side of the table asks, “Where did your grandmother’s end up?”

“No one knew.” Lilly lifts her chin in my direction and passes the statue to Z. “Now I’m wondering if it was buried with her because no one else in the family wanted it either.”

A few more people inspect the statue or ask me questions about it but most just take a quick look and pass it on. Jigsaw finally hands her back to me. I lean sideways, placing her under my chair.

“Does she really live in the house?” Jigsaw asks, his voice low and skeptical.

“Of course.”

The guys pounce, teasing Jigsaw for sleeping near a “murder doll.”

“She’s never murdered anyone,” I protest, barely holding back a smile. Then, for dramatic effect, I add, “That I know of.”

Sparky’s hand shoots in the air. “Wait, wait—does this mean there isn’t a haunted objects museum?”

I laugh and shake my head. “No, there is one that exists. Someone I went to school with really does run it. He didn’t like the mortuary business, so he did that instead.”

Sparky sighs dramatically, slumping back in his chair. “Could you imagine tripping balls in a place like that?”

Stash stares at his friend like he’s lost his mind. “No fucking thanks.”

Jigsaw huffs a quiet laugh beside me, sliding his hand over my thigh and squeezing. “You’re full of surprises.”

I lean into him. “Well, you already knew that.”


Everything about Margot fascinates me. Even her creepy little statue-doll that apparently lives in her house somewhere. She could have a closet full of cursed objects and tokens from her kills and it wouldn’t dull what I feel for her.

I’m stopped from asking a follow-up question by Hoot and Eazy running into the dining room and tipping a laundry basket full of underwear over Birch’s head.

Z and Wrath stand up and fling packages of what looks like even more underwear at Birch, hitting him in the chest.

“Ow! What the fuck?” Birch shouts through his laughter, swatting the laundry basket and underwear away. “That better be clean laundry.”

June’s shaking with laughter. “It is. Promise.”

Wrath remains standing. “We wanted to make sure you’re always covered.”

“Your chilly willy story gave us nightmares,” Z adds.

Brothers laugh and hurl jokes at Birch. Hope, Trinity, and Lilly are howling with laughter. Rock’s just shaking his head.

“You couldn’t have done this at church?” Birch protests. “You gotta embarrass me in front of all the ladies?”

“Who do you think gave them the idea?” Trinity asks.

I reach behind Margot and Shelby to tap Rooster’s arm. He turns and raises an eyebrow. “Why didn’t we get in on this?”

Something hard hits my arm and lands on the table. Fruit of the Loom Men’s Micro Stretch Boxer Briefs. I glance up at Wrath’s serious face.

“We tried to tell you, but the noises at your end of the hallway indicated you were busy.” He chucks a package at Rooster who catches it mid-air.

I pick up the package and wag it in front of me. “Joke’s on you. These are my size and my favorite color scheme.”

Margot’s red-faced but laughing.

Behind us, Swan carries out a tray of cookies. Lala’s carrying a basket of muffins. They set them near the coffee station.

“Coffee and cookies!” Swan announces.

“You stay and check out your new underwear,” Margot teases. “I’ll grab a cookie for you.”

“More than one.”

“You got it.”

I should’ve just gone up with her since all I do is watch her move across the room.


