Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

I tug on the bottom of the shirt, pulling it away from my body to eye the image again. “Of course.” My nose wrinkles as I lift my gaze to his face again. “Too cheesy to wear to a bonfire? Am I going to embarrass you?”

A flicker of something—disappointment, maybe—crosses his face. “No. Fuck no. It’s adorable.” He wraps me up in his arms and lifts me to kissing level. “It’s perfect. You know how much I like your occasion-specific puns.”

My lips wobble with the laughter I’m holding back. Not all my puns. He didn’t enjoy my fuckboi repellent pin all that much.

He catches the look on my face and shakes with laughter. “Yes, even your little fuckboy pin was adorable. I didn’t love that it was directed at me, but it still made me laugh.”

I press my palms against his cheeks, holding him still so I can press my lips to his. “I love…I love that you get me.”

His throat bobs with a hard swallow, and instead of answering, he sets me gently back on my feet.

That was close. All the feelings in my chest almost came shooting out of my mouth.

“We should get down there before all the s’mores are gone,” he says, his voice rougher than before.

“I don’t want to miss those,” I agree.

He curls his hand around mine, and I follow him to the door. He opens it part way, then stops. The weight of his stare lands on me. Like maybe he knew exactly what I almost said, and he wasn’t ready to hear it.

Or worse, it’s not something he wants to say back.



The air outside is cooler now, carrying the scent of pine and burning wood. Light still lingers in the sky, but the parking lot is shadowed by the surrounding trees.

We pass several of Jigsaw’s brothers. Men who hadn’t been at the dinner but are just showing up now, backing their bikes into the long line of bikes against the fence. Many have women with them, dressed just a little differently than the ol’ ladies who’d been at the dinner table earlier. It’s not just the clothes—or lack of. It’s their entire attitude. Touchy and clingy with the guys. Laughing too loud. Attention seeking.

Jigsaw glares at the scene, but I can’t tell if it’s any one person in particular he’s annoyed about.

These must be the muffler bunnies he promised me wouldn’t be here tonight.

He doesn’t say anything, but his hand tightens around mine, his grip firm and reassuring. I squeeze back, silently letting him know I’m fine.

Ahead of us, a couple is about to dip into one of the forest paths.

“Grinder!” Jigsaw calls out.

The older gentleman’s pushing a large, all-terrain-looking stroller and easily bring it to a stop before turning around. His hard expression softens when his gaze lands on Jigsaw. The younger blonde woman leans over the stroller to check on whoever’s in it.

Jigsaw picks up the pace, pulling me along. “I want you to meet Serena,” he says to me in a low voice.

“Hey, Jigsaw.” Grinder gives him a quick hug and a fatherly pat on the back.

Jigsaw returns the hug, then steps back and nods at Serena. “How’re you doing, sweetheart?”

She sighs but forces a smile. “Tired.”

“You’re not going to the bonfire?” Jigsaw asks.

“I don’t think Lincoln’s up for it,” Serena says, reaching into the stroller to adjust the blanket covering her son. “We’re staying at Z’s place. We said we’d watch the twins so Teller and Charlotte could go to the bonfire for a while.”

“You offered.” Grinder smiles at her affectionately. “I didn’t volunteer to watch two more babies.”

She grins at him and nods toward Lincoln. “Well, it’s good practice if you want more any time soon.”

“Whoa.” Jigsaw holds out his hands. “That’s more information than I needed.” He slides his arm around my shoulders. “I just wanted Margot to meet you. I thought we’d get to hang at the bonfire, but if you’re not going…”

Serena smiles warmly and reaches to embrace me. “Shelby told me what a sweetheart you are,” she says against my ear. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to you at dinner.” She pulls back, still smiling, but there’s a teasing lilt to her voice now. “I caught the tail end of your banter with Ravage, though, and thoroughly enjoyed you going toe to toe with him.”

Grinder ducks his head and rumbles with laughter. “He keeps instigating these battles of wits when he’s unarmed.”

Serena shakes her head slightly. “It’s his way of welcoming you, Margot.”

Jigsaw snorts. “Welcome, or haze?”

“Well, both, probably.”

Serena’s so pretty it’s hard not to stare at her as the three of them chat. Then recognition hits me. This is the Serena. The woman behind Tranquil Sparkle—my favorite YouTube channel. I open my mouth to tell her how much I love her content, then snap it shut. Nope. That would be too weird. Borderline stalkerish. Not the time or place.


