Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

We haven’t spoken about her ex again—except that I made her promise to tell me if he ever shows up at her house. I don’t want him alone with her for any reason.

“You seem moodier than usual,” Remy says, swiping a rag over the bar top way too close to my hands.

I swat his dishtowel away and glance around the bar. The place is quiet. No handsy assholes bothering Remy’s little sister that I need to threaten with my hunting knife tonight. Just two old guys who look like they’re capping off a day of fishing with a beer. Nothing that needs my attention. “You mind if I head out?”

He stops and stares at me. “You’re asking my permission?”

This kid. Sometimes, I respect him almost as much as I want to punch him. “Well, I was supposed to be here helping you out.”

He checks out the nearly empty dining area. “Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to get much more traffic tonight. Why, got a hot date?” His lips twitch like he thinks he’s clever, then his eyes widen. “Are you still seeing Margot?”

Not as much as I’d like. Hell, I’d hover over her like the ghost of needy boyfriends present, all day, every day, if I didn’t think it would drive her nuts. “Yes,” I growl. “Why?”

He holds up his hands and backs up a step. “Just making conversation. She’s a nice woman.”

She’s the perfect woman. Kind, sexy, smart, and deadly. My favorite blend.

Ignoring his comment about my woman, I ask, “You have cookies or anything chocolate back there?” I nod toward the kitchen.

“Uh, these gooey chocolate brownie things Molly insisted we add to the menu. You microwave them. And, if you want to go into diabetic shock, top it off with ice cream.” He shrugs. “They’re good but no one really orders them here.”

“That sounds good. Can I get two of them to go?”

“Yeah, sure.” He taps the bar top and swaggers down the hallway to the kitchen. “Hold tight.”

I pull out my phone again, re-reading Margot’s message. Advil and Sleep. I’d skipped over that first part.

Me: You need me to pick that up for you on my way over?

Look how easy that was to invite myself to spend the night.

Margot: No, it’s okay.

Is that a “no don’t come over?” Or “no, I have enough Advil?”

Fuck it. Unless she outright says don’t come over, I’m going.

Me: I pass right by a drugstore.

Well, I will if Remy hurries the fuck up so I can catch a store before it closes. I check my maps app to see where the closest pharmacy is and how late they’re open.

There’s actually a small, hometown pharmacy not far from Margot’s house. Perfect. Anything to avoid one of the big box stores. Hopefully the hours on their site are up-to-date.

“Here you go.” Remy sets a small brown paper bag with handles in front of me. “I threw in some chocolate chip cookies Lynette made earlier too.”

“Perfect. Thank you.” I pull out my wallet. “How much?”

“Seriously? You’ve been coming by for weeks to play bouncer for free, at least let me give you food.”

I realize Remy has his pride but I’m not really into accepting free stuff from people when I know they’re struggling. “Fair enough.”

I pull out a twenty and drop it in the empty tip jar on my way out.

Behind me Remy sighs. “Thanks, Jiggy.”

“Night!” I call over my shoulder.

Outside, I hurry to my truck and set the bag on the passenger side.

After a quick stop at Clover Hometown Pharmacy, I have two different kinds of Advil, the brownies, and what I hope Margot will think is a cute surprise.

I jog up the stairs of the back porch. I open the screen door, then stop. Shit. She didn’t hear my bike coming.

Me: on back porch.

A few seconds later something buzzes and there’s a click. I twist the knob and push my way inside.

I’m already passing the second floor when her door at the top of the stairs opens.

Behind her, the apartment’s mostly dark. But there’s enough light to make out her halo of blonde hair, mussed after a long day, and the loose blue sweatpants and long, baggy T-shirt she’s wearing.

As I reach the last step, her lips curve in a tired smile.

Dark circles ring her eyes, making her look paler than usual.

“How’s my favorite girl?” I slide my arms around her, inhaling the familiar scent of vanilla and sandalwood in her hair. “Missed you.”

“Missed you too.” She backs up into the apartment, closing the door behind us.

“Brought you some things.” I hand the bags to her and stop to take off my boots.

“For me?” A hint of her usual sparkle returns to her eyes.

“Well, I don’t think Gretel’s going to be into any of it,” I tease.

She carries the bags to the counter and pulls the lava brownies out first. “Oh, these look so good. Are they from Remy’s place?”


