Claiming You (How to Marry a Billionaire #4) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

Marnie’s gone.

How? Why?

But I can’t think about that now. Jake. And Larson. I’ve got to do something. I’ve got to⁠—

I walk back out and find Jake, and his gun...

He’s pointing it at his own head.

“No, Jake. No!”

Without thinking, I run and swat the gun away from him, out of his hands, and it goes off with another loud crack.

“That’s not the answer,” I say.

“Then what is? What the hell do I have to live for now? Marnie is gone. He took her away from me. He took my child away from me. And I offed him. I told you she followed us. You didn’t believe me.” He sniffles and wipes his nose on his sleeve. “You didn’t fucking believe me!”

I walk slowly to the pistol and pick it up. The nose is still hot to the touch.

What indeed?

The five of us committed the perfect crime last night.

And now it was all for nothing.

My heart is thumping like a damned jackrabbit. And Jake.

Jake was about to take his own life.

Not going to happen. Not on my watch.


The watch.

The one I stole from Larson.

It’s still in my pocket.

And an idea sparks in my mind.

“Calm down,” I say to Jake. “Calm the fuck down right now. I’m going to get you out of this. Just let me think.”




Sebastian leaves the harem of women on the deck and pulls me aside. “So you and Sienna...”

“Are a couple,” I say. “And damn, I never thought I’d feel this way again.”

“Again?” Seb shakes his head. “Since when have you ever been in love?”

“It was a long time ago, my friend.” I inhale slowly. Exhale. “I never talked about it, and there’s no need to now. But I’ve found that elusive feeling again. The feeling that consumes me, like a wildfire I can’t extinguish. It’s intoxicating, exhilarating, and a little terrifying.”

Seb studies my face for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing. “Since when do you get poetic? I’m the songwriter. Alex is the novelist. You’re a tech guy, Brett. An entrepreneur. You eat startups for lunch.”

“True,” I nod. “But then again, isn’t love the ultimate startup? Filled with risk, uncertainty, but also possibilities? And just like any successful tech venture, it needs dedication, passion, and a touch of madness. That’s exactly what I feel for Sienna.”

“Sounds like you’ve got it bad.” His tone changes slightly, from teasing to thoughtful. “Just don’t forget your roots. All this talk of love and emotions is great, but don’t forget who you are. You’re the guy who turned a couple hundred thou and a garage startup into a billion-dollar empire.”


Why’d he bring that up?

Seems all the four of us have done since we got to the island is think about the past—about what we did, and what we gave up, to get where we are today.

I don’t let myself think about it. I can’t.

I’m the master of compartmentalization.

But Sienna has brought a brightness to my life that I didn’t realize I was missing.

“I haven’t forgotten a damned thing,” I say.

God knows I wish I could.

“I know you haven’t.” Seb sighs. “Just remember, Brett. Everything comes with a price.”

Before I can respond, he walks into the house, leaving me alone.

June, Heather, and Evangeline are still talking to Darby, the new doctor.

Sienna went off with Emily somewhere.

Before I fell for Sienna, I’d have joined the women and flirted up a storm. Probably ended up taking the gorgeous new doc down to the beach for a stroll. Maybe for a little pussy licking on the sand.

Now? All I want to do is get back into Sienna’s mouth, Sienna’s cunt, Sienna’s ass.

Fuck me. She has the tightest ass ever.

But it’s not just the phenomenal sex with her. It’s everything about her. The way she smiles when she sees me, the laughter in her eyes, the way she loved Leroy, and the way she realized that her future was no longer with him.

Just the way I finally was able to let Jake go after all this time.

I want to see Sienna. I want to kiss her, to tell her how much I love her.

I leave the deck and walk inside the mansion. Sebastian is gone. He must have gone up to his suite. Something’s bugging him, but he’ll be okay. He always is. He’ll brood for a minute. Or for a day. Sometimes even a week. Then he’ll write a new number-one hit and he’ll be back to normal again.

I walk up two floors to Sienna’s suite and knock on the door.

“Who’s there?” she calls.

Just the sound of her voice makes my cock react.

“It’s me, baby.”

“Just a sec. Emily’s not decent.”

Say what?

A moment later, Sienna opens the door. “Sorry. We’re trying on dresses. Ariel asked us to be her bridesmaids at the wedding tomorrow.”

Both Sienna and Emily are clad in fluffy robes. I pull Sienna to me and give her a deep kiss.


