Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 77551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)
My heart thuds as my flesh goes cold.
The cops.
They’re onto us.
Who else would be here this time of the day?
I open the door. River stands there, and behind him...Jake.
I open the screen door, dart my gaze up and down the street, and motion them inside. “What the hell, guys? I thought we were lying low?”
“Your mom home?” River asks in a whisper.
“She’s passed out.”
“Any chance she can hear us?”
“Doubtful, but let’s go out back just in case.” I lead them through the kitchen out into our small backyard. “What’s this all about?”
Jake runs his fingers through his unruly blond hair. “I couldn’t go to Brett or Alex. They don’t know. But you and Riv. You know.”
“Know what?”
“About Marnie.”
“She’s knocked up? Yeah, I know. But why the hell are you here?” I lower my voice. “We shouldn’t be seen together.”
“I’ve got to go back,” Jake says.
“To Larson’s?” I shake my head. “Are you nuts? We need to stay the fuck away.”
Jake rubs his forehead. “You don’t understand. It’s Marnie. She was at my place last night, but she was gone when I got back this morning. I called Riv, and we sneaked over to her place. She wasn’t there. She wouldn’t have gone back there anyway. She and her folks had a huge fight.”
“Is she with a friend?” I ask.
Jake shakes his head. “No. God, I should have never left her at my place. She doesn’t like to be alone. She followed us, Seb. I just know it.”
“Calm down,” I tell him.
River nods. “I’ve been trying to get him to calm down.”
“How can I? I can’t find her, and I know her. I know how her mind works. She followed us, and somehow she didn’t get back.”
“Jake,” River says, “listen to reason. No way would she follow us. No way would we not have known she was there. You’ve got to calm down.”
“She’s pregnant!” Jake hisses. “She’s carrying my kid. I don’t want a kid. But I love her, man. And I’m going to take care of her and the kid.”
With that loot, Jake will be able to take care of ten kids. Has he even counted it yet?
I nudge Riv. “Did you count yours?”
“I don’t have any.”
“Oh. Right. Did you?” I ask Jake.
“Nah. I got back and freaked out when Marnie wasn’t there.”
“Fuck, Jake,” I say. “What did you do with your backpack?”
“I threw it in my closet.”
Thank God. At least it’s not sitting out. I’m trying to feel for Jake. Really, I am. But no way did Marnie follow us to Old Man Larson’s.
No fucking way.
Except my flesh is cold and prickly, as if icicles are poking at me.
Jake knows Marnie better than Riv and I do. And if he thinks she went to Larson’s...
Damn. Damn. Damn.
We were sitting together on the beach, shielded by the small cove, enjoying just being together, talking about favorite colors and songs stuck in our heads, and...
Well, now it’s over.
Over because I pushed what was probably just a simple blunder.
But if it was just a simple blunder, why is he acting so pissy now?
I’m pretty sure Alex said that River lived on a ranch when they were kids, but the other four of them lived in town. He said four, not three, which he claimed is what he meant when I asked him about it.
But that’s not what’s disturbing about the conversation. No. What’s disturbing is his sudden mood shift.
Mama always told me that men, for the most part, aren’t big talkers, and when they decide not to talk, it’s best not to force them into it. That just makes them angry.
So I stay quiet as we walk back to the mansion.
Isn’t this the guy who told me he could fall for me?
Isn’t this the guy who had the chef prepare me the Southern dinner of my dreams, complete with sweet potato pie even better than Mama’s?
Isn’t this the guy who slid a jasmine flower behind my ear and told me I was beautiful? The guy who said he loved a sexy mouth, and who told me I was an astounding woman?
“Alex...” I begin.
He turns to me, his hazel eyes troubled. “I’m sorry, Ariel.”
“For what?”
“For being a dick.” He sighs. “Can I be honest with you about something?”
“Of course.”
He grabs my hand and rubs my palm with his thumb. The mini massage feels nice. “Come on. Let’s find someplace private.”
My room?
I don’t say it. I offered myself up on a platter to him last night, and he declined. But I don’t know anywhere else that’s private here...except for his room.
We end up outside the pool area. I’m surprised Heather and June aren’t in the hot tub. They seem to live there. I can’t go in anyway with my bandage and all. But the pool is empty, so Alex and I go there.