Claiming Hannah – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 93751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 469(@200wpm)___ 375(@250wpm)___ 313(@300wpm)

But when she finally spoke, all she said was, “Yes, Sir. I’m fine.”

What had just happened?

One moment she was in Mason’s arms, ready for his kiss. The next he was looming over her, cock in hand, a dangerous look in his eyes. Her fear had been real, but it wasn’t primarily directed at Mason. It was the thought of having sex—intercourse—with another man that had so alarmed her. Yet, she couldn’t deny how much she’d wanted him in the moment, in spite of her trepidation.

Why hadn’t she just told him the truth?

Mason was right, of course. Hard limits were supposed to be sacrosanct in a D/s power exchange, and he’d definitely overstepped his, or rather her, boundaries. But he hadn’t done it in a vacuum. She’d been right there with him.

She’d known beforehand that climbing into bed with him wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done. She’d felt at once nervous and recklessly bold when she’d pressed her body against his. She reveled in his masculine scent and hard body, even as her heart had boomed in her chest. When she’d lifted her face for a kiss, her entire body had tingled with expectation, with longing, with lust…

He had responded to her desire, rising over her like a god, his huge cock in his hand, his eyes hooded with lust and power. It was only then that fear had ripped through her like a jagged jolt of lightning.

As attracted as she was to Mason—and she could no longer deny that attraction—that didn’t mean she was ready to take that next step. She’d always believed Andy would be her one and only. Though he’d been gone over a year now, she still couldn’t imagine going to bed with another man.

The light flicked out, plunging the room into sudden darkness. She heard Mason fall back heavily onto his bed.

Hannah tugged gently at her restraints. As promised, there was plenty of give, but it still felt strange in the extreme to be cuffed to a mattress on the floor like some kind of…slave. It was sexy as a fantasy, but in real life, she’d rather be in a bed, thank you. And able to get up to pee without having to involve another person.

She bit back a sigh, reminding herself this whole Enclave training thing was a grand experiment, and one she’d eagerly signed on for. Yes, some of the reality of genuine submission was a lot harder than it had seemed as pure fantasy, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. The only way to truly know her own mind and heart was to experience it firsthand.

Bringing her cuffed wrists together, Hannah folded her hands beneath her cheek. The mattress was surprisingly comfortable, the duvet cover extremely soft. It was better she was down there. Lying beside the naked, powerful man all night, she wouldn’t have gotten a wink of sleep.

Despite her inner turmoil , sleep held out its arms to her. Exhausted, she crawled into them and closed her eyes.

Chapter 27

In the morning, they washed up side-by-side at the dual sinks like an old married couple. Mason didn’t say a word about what had happened—or almost happened—the night before, so neither did Hannah.

She watched with interest as he shaved his head along with his whiskers. It felt strange when Mason dressed in his usual black T-shirt and jeans while she remained naked. Though she wasn’t as painfully aware of her nudity as she had been at first, she had yet to find the easy, confident grace of The Enclave slave girls.

Down in the kitchen, they slipped into the routine they’d established since her arrival, cracking eggs, making batter for the muffins, grinding coffee beans, setting out the fresh fruit and juices, frying bacon. They discussed the lunch and dinner menus. As chef, Mason naturally had the final word, but Hannah appreciated the way he asked for her input and really seemed to listen.

After the morning kitchen duties were dispensed with, Mason came up behind Hannah as she was giving the counters a wipe down. Before she realized what he was doing, he had clipped a leash to the O-ring on the back of her collar.

Giving it a light tug, he said, “It’s time to ramp things up, slave girl. This morning I’m going to introduce you to some serious edge play. Let’s go.”

Hannah’s pulse instantly flipped into overdrive at his words. She followed nervously as he led her like an animal through the empty living room and up the stairs to his suite. Once inside, he brought her to the dungeon area and unclipped the leash.

“I should tell you, I was impressed and pleased that you didn’t rule out knife play on your hard limits list. Based on your progress so far, I think you’re ready to experience my blades firsthand.”

Hannah’s mouth went suddenly dry, a spurt of adrenaline chilling her blood. She wrapped her arms protectively around her torso. Had she been a total idiot to uncheck that box?


