Claiming Hannah – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 93751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 469(@200wpm)___ 375(@250wpm)___ 313(@300wpm)

“Go with it,” she mouthed.

Hannah grinned. Charlotte was right. She arrived with them, so the assumption was reasonable. It was exciting to be thought of as someone’s slave. While she didn’t see herself as slave material in real life, it was a very compelling fantasy.

As they walked down a stone walkway that led to the entrance, one of the double doors opened inward. A pretty young woman gestured for them to enter. The redhead was stark naked save for a gorgeous emerald-green slave collar made of what looked like the softest leather. Her hair fell in soft ringlets to her shoulders, framing a round face with lovely green eyes and a rosebud mouth.

“Welcome, Master Jim,” she said without a trace of self-consciousness. “We’re honored that you’ve chosen our home for your collaring ceremony. Welcome, Charlotte,” she added, “It’s wonderful to see you both again.”

Hannah caught her breath as she noticed a crisscross of pink welts on the girl’s full, heavy breasts, as if she’d been recently whipped. Small gold hoops hung from her gumdrop pink nipples. Her mons was shaven smooth.

Jim shrugged out of his leather jacket. Underneath, he wore only a black leather vest, open to reveal his curling blond chest hair and six-pack abs. “Good to see you again, Katie,” he replied as he handed her the jacket. “All of you,” he added with a wolfish grin, his gaze flickering over her bare body.

If his words or behavior irritated Charlotte, you’d never know it. She, too, was all smiles.

“Thank you, Sir,” Katie replied softly, a slight flush moving over her rounded cheeks. She flashed a shy smile at Hannah.

“This is my good friend, Hannah,” Charlotte said. “Hannah, meet slave Katie, Marjorie and Brandon’s girl.”

“Hi, Katie.” Hannah pulled her own coat closer around herself as if that would somehow offer Katie some coverage. She was just so…naked.

Katie’s eyes widened, another flush pinkening her cheeks. “My apologies. Please, let me take your coat.”

Reluctantly, Hannah allowed the girl to take it from her. “Thank you.”

As Katie scurried away with the wraps, Hannah turned to take in her surroundings. “Whoa,” she breathed, awestruck. The walls of the large front hallway were decorated with all sorts of medieval-looking torture devices, including iron manacles, curved, long-handled knives, whips and floggers of every size. An antique chair was set against one wall, its seat, arms and back covered in pointy, metal spikes. There were other strange-looking torture devices she had no name for. Everything looked completely authentic and, within the context of BDSM play, diabolically sexy.

“Impressive, ain’t it?” Jim drawled. “Anthony’s pretty proud of his collection. It’s mainly for show, but I’m sure someone would be glad to give you a hands-on demonstration. You might enjoy the Judas Cradle there.” He pointed to a pyramid-shaped wooden device affixed atop a wooden tripod. There were a series of ropes and pulleys suspended above it. Hannah didn’t even want to imagine what it was used for.

“Only if you go first,” Hannah quipped. While she’d never want to actually be impaled on such a terrifying device, the whole concept of erotic torture had made her hot and bothered. She crossed her arms over her chest to hide her rising nipples.

“There they are,” a masculine voice boomed. “Our guests of honor. It’s so good to see you both.”

Hannah turned to see an attractive couple in their fifties. The man had auburn hair and deep-set blue eyes, his features rugged. He was dressed in caramel-colored leather pants and a white cashmere sweater, his feet in fancy Italian loafers.

The woman was tall and willowy, with honey-blond hair swept back in a twist, her eyes a clear green. She wore a red floor-length satin gown and a silver slave collar with a heart-shaped padlock at its center. They wore matching gold wedding rings.

“It’s great to see you, too,” Jim said, shaking the man’s hand and then embracing the woman. He turned to Hannah. “Hannah, meet Brandon and Marjorie.”

“Very nice to meet you,” Hannah said, forcing herself to drop her arms to her sides.

As Brandon openly appraised her, she could almost feel the heat of his gaze. Damn it if she wasn’t blushing like a schoolgirl.

“We’re delighted to have you in our home,” Marjorie said with a gracious smile. “I’ve heard so much about you from Charlotte.” She put her arm around Charlotte, who leaned into her, nearly purring with pleasure as the older woman stroked her hair. “And we love your work.”

“Yes,” Master Brandon agreed. “We’ve been looking forward to meeting Angelique Rose in the flesh.”

“Oh, gosh,” Hannah blurted, taken by surprise. “Thank you.”

The idea of all these serious, knowledgeable lifestylers reading her novels was humbling indeed and also mildly panic-inducing. Internet research and voyeurism only went so far. There had to be any number of inaccuracies in the work, and they probably noticed every single one.


