Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 65871 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 65871 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
She wanted it like this. Needed it like this, and I am more than happy to oblige her with all the rough handling her sweet innocent body can take.
My cock swells into the thick knot that will trap her in place until she is good and bred, and I pull her down hard, making her take every drop of my cum, just as I told her I would. In this position, it is easy enough to strum her clit as she sits locked atop me, forcing her through clitoral orgasm after orgasm, feeling her walls quiver and grip me with increasing desperation as I use her the way nature intended for her to be used.
Finally, when she can quite literally take no more, I let her lie on top of me, and I rub her back and I whisper soft words of praise into her ear.
“You’re a good girl, Anya. And you’re all mine. Never forget that. No matter what happens to you, or to me, you’ll always be mine. Forever.”
Anya is fast asleep under heavy guard when I leave her for the first time in over a week. She will not miss me, I hope, for I have business to attend to that she cannot be aware of.
There are dungeons in the castle, some deeper than others. My ancestors often imprisoned their enemies. In modern times, the practice is frowned upon, but I believe there are some sins for which medieval treatments are warranted.
My footsteps echo through the long passages as I make my way to our most forsaken cell. The halls are lit, but the cell is dark until I flick a switch on the outside.
“Argh!” My prisoner shies away from the light. I know it hurts him. All the lights down here are ultraviolet, designed to replicate the sun’s rays in a place where the sun will never shine. They were originally made to help humans suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. Here, they serve a different purpose.
Dom the ancient vampire is now my prisoner, and he does not like it one bit. This is humiliating and painful for him. He stares out from behind the bars with a deep malevolence that tells me very clearly he wishes to kill me. He is hungry, of course. We are not feeding him. He will starve down here, but he will not be able to die. Usually under such circumstances, a vampire would sleep—but I have no intention of allowing him to slumber.
He already has a thin layer of skin forming. In a matter of days, he will be back to his old self. Unless, of course, he is exposed to another strong dose of radiation. That would be unfortunate, wouldn’t it.
I am not content merely to take Anya back. I intend to exact full vengeance for our suffering. I want this creature to know what pain is, and to comprehend what he has done before I end him. This is the work of an alpha. Simple pack defense is not enough. Sometimes, horrors must be unleashed on those who deserve them.
“How are you, Dom?” I ask the question cordially enough. My pleasant tone is a cover for malicious intent of the worst kind.
“You seek to execute me, alpha, but I warn you, if you do, you will be unleashing a hell upon your pack you will live to regret.”
He’s afraid for his life. Good. But he is afraid of the wrong thing.
“I’m not going to execute you, Dom. I’m going to keep you here, in UV chains for as much of eternity as I can possibly control.”
The vampire’s face shifts into a mask of horror, which, seeing as he has barely any skin, is quite horrible indeed. I am sure this would give most people nightmares. It gives me a deep sense of satisfaction. All is as it should be.
“I still have control of your mate’s mind. I can make her suffer.”
I laugh inwardly. I know very well that is not true, especially in his weakened state. Elena has been working with Anya to help remove the last vestiges of the vampire’s curse. Wolves are naturally resistant to it, and there are plenty of old remedies against vampirism.
“You insist on treating me like a villain, but I am nothing more than a natural predator, doing what I needed to do.” He tries a different approach when his first threat fails to have any impact.
“You are a creep who stole my mate. You are fortunate I have not had your limbs removed. How long would they take to regenerate, vampire? A very long time, I imagine.”
That disturbs him. I see his head jerk back, the dead tendons in his neck registering his horror.
“I didn’t have to give her back. I didn’t have to tell you precisely where to find her. I didn’t have to allow you and your feral beasts to massacre my coven. But I did. Did you ever stop to wonder why? Or did you just assume you were winning for reasons?”