Choosing You Read online M. Robinson (Pierced Hearts Duet #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Pierced Hearts Duet Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

With another Saturday upon us, there I sat on my beach towel. Watching Aiden play football in the sand with Jagger and Curtis.

Dr. Pierce with no shirt on was quite a sight.

Sweat glistened off his body as he ran up and down the beach. His swim trunks hung low around his slim waist, showing off the fuck-me muscles that were proudly on display.

I swear each passing week he appeared broader, more muscular, and well-built than I remembered from the previous outing.

Was he working out?

For me?

“Oh… what I would give to run my fingers along every ab,” I stated above a whisper.

“Da. Da. Da. Ma,” Journey replied, acting as if we were having a conversation.

“Stop judging me, Little Miss. Nothing wrong with looking. Remember that.”

I’d often catch women openly gawking at her dad from the shoreline in their beach chairs.

Exactly how they were doing now.

It always brought on a wave of jealousy and possessiveness to spew out of my pores. Not that I could blame them, the man was a tall drink of ice water on a hot, humid day.

Sweat dripped off his chest, accentuating all the toned muscles of his defined, sculpted build as he walked his way back over to what had become our spot on the beach. My sun glass-covered eyes couldn’t help but roam every last inch of him.

I played it off, simply continuing to build a sandcastle with Journey under the canopy.

“Do you like what you see, my Tiny Dancer?”

Oh, that was another new thing. This nickname he called me when the kids weren’t around, spiking my adrenaline by a mile every time those three words left his lips.

I shrugged, as he laid sideways beside me on the towel. His muscular arm holding up his head, giving me his undivided attention.

“You’re alright,” I lied, smirking.

“I seemed more than alright when you were eye fuckin’ me from across the beach,” he teased above a whisper.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I bet.”

“Anyway, you look a little tired there, Dr. Pierce. Can’t keep up with the boys’ stamina?”

“No, but I could keep up with yours.”

I laughed, throwing my head back.

“Do you think I’m an old man, Cami?”

“Not old, antiquated.”

“What the hell? Are you listening to this nonsense, Journey?” He kissed the inside of her chubby neck, sending her into a full-out belly laugh.

And… my ovaries just exploded yet again.

He helped Journey and I build her sandcastle for a while, relaxing in the sun. Enjoying our time together.

These were the moments I wished I knew what he was thinking, feeling, going through…

Our dynamic was as confusing as it was simple. It came naturally to be around him. I never felt out of place or like I didn’t belong with him or his kids.

Our interactions were effortless.

The way we conveyed ourselves as if we truly were a family, was probably the most unclear, yet precise description to explain our relationship.

Only conflicting me further.

Truth was, I really liked their father. A lot.

I knew the good doctor loved and appreciated the role I played in his children’s lives. He made a point to tell me often. I also felt his sexual attraction to me. His flirty, dirty banter got worse as the weeks went on.

However, was that all it would ever be?

I was beyond aware he liked taking care of me, but he liked taking care of everyone. It simply was who he strived to be.

I guess the part of our dynamic that bothered me the most was how he knew so much about me, yet I still didn’t know jack shit about him.

Especially what happened to his wife.

The unknown when it came to Dr. Aiden Pierce was starting to take its toll.




I was over it.

“Cami, I can feel your mind reeling.”


How did he know that?

“What are we doing?” I blurted, unable to hold back.

“We’re building a sandcastle. What does it look like?”

I rolled my eyes, about to stand. “Never mind.”

He gripped my wrist, stopping me. His piercing blue eyes meeting mine.

“I haven’t been to the beach in years, Cami. It never crossed my mind how much I missed it, till now. I used to come here as a boy to get lost in the waves, wanting to forget the shitty cards I was dealt. We were dealt.”

I didn’t have to ask who he was referring to. I knew it was his wife.

“I had to grow up fast. Promising myself I’d never do that to my kids. I’d always be present in their lives. No matter what, they had me.”

My heart clenched, hearing him confess such deep thoughts to me for the first time.

This was him—abrupt, blunt, and direct.

I hung on every word as he continued, “I lost sight of that person. Of that father, of that man I worked so fuckin’ hard to become. I stopped smiling, I stopped laughing, I stopped living… coping the only way I knew how. By checking out. Leaving with her.”


