Chained (Chained Duet #2) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Chained Duet Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 39689 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 198(@200wpm)___ 159(@250wpm)___ 132(@300wpm)

Damien didn’t bother answering. He just sent a bullet clean through Carney’s forehead.

I reached up and rubbed my throat, wincing at the soreness. Damien strode over to me and wordlessly lifted me up into his arms. “Put Derrick in charge until I can get back to him. Right now, I want to get my woman home where she belongs,” Damien told Walker.

Walker nodded once in understanding as he moved out of the way so that Damien could move past him with me in his arms. “Miles and one of my other men will clean up this mess,” Damien informed him as he walked out of the room.

I rested my head on Damien’s shoulder, and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “I’ve got you, darlin’.”


I sighed as I let the hot water run over my back, washing away some of the tension in my shoulders.

I still felt unbelievable rage as the image of Hayley pressed against the wall with the bandana in her mouth flashed through my mind. I wanted to kill both of them all over again for daring to put their hands on my woman.

I didn’t look down from staring up at the ceiling as someone stepped into the bathroom. A moment later, the shower door slid open, and I felt Hayley’s soft hands run over my shoulders. I finally looked down at her, the rage I had been feeling almost instantly leaving my mind as I looked down at her curvy frame.

Fuck, she was beautiful.

“Darlin’, unless you want me to take you against this wall, you might want to wait on your shower,” I huskily told her. But I couldn’t resist sliding my fingers down her sides and over her hips until I was gripping her ass in my hands.

“You looked stressed,” she softly replied as she ran her lips over my chest, making me close my eyes and groan as I tightened my grip on her ass.

Her tongue flicked out over my skin, making me suck in a harsh breath of air as I yanked her closer to me, letting her feel just how hard she was making me.

“Take me, Damien,” she told me huskily. I snapped my eyes down to hers. “Remember that night after our first coffee date?” she asked me. Fuck, how could I forget one of the best nights of my life? “Fuck me just like that,” she told me.

I groaned and wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, dragging her lips up to mine as I slanted my lips across hers. She moaned softly as she twined her arms around my neck, diving her slender fingers into my wet hair.

I easily lifted her up and shoved her against the shower wall as her thick thighs wrapped around my waist. And just like that night so many years ago, I fucked her relentlessly, taking out my anger and frustration on her beautiful body. My name bounced off the walls as it fell from her lips.



I looked up as the screen door opened to the pool area, watching as Damien strode outside with Miles, Tyrone, and Drake.

“Surprised you let him into the house,” I commented as I looked up at Damien through my shades.

He shrugged. “Need information from him,” he told me. “How’s your neck?”

I shrugged as well. “Been better,” I carelessly answered, “but it’s healing.” A dark look passed through Damien’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything.

“The fuck happened to you?” Drake asked as he ran his eyes over the hand-shaped bruises on my neck.

I smirked. “Damien and I got a little too kinky last night,” I lied, making Damien bark out a laugh at my smart-ass remark. Miles coughed to hide his laugh, and I saw Tyrone’s lips twitch with a smirk.

Drake scowled at my answer. I stepped out of the pool and took the towel Damien instantly held out to me and wrapped it around me. “So, what’s going on?” I asked as I moved to sit on one of the loungers, only for Damien to wrap an arm around me and tug me down between his legs on the lounger he was sitting on.

“Mark is missing,” Drake informed us. “Body is gone. No trace of it. Someone got rid of him.”

“An informant told me that the Carters are involved in all of this shit somehow,” Tyrone spoke up.

“The Carters is the last fucking thing we need,” Damien grumbled distastefully.

I vaguely remembered Lacie telling me something about the Carters when she had come running to me for help, and I wondered if maybe she had written something in her journal entries about them. She used to always write in a journal.

I turned my head to kiss Damien on the cheek. “I’m going to put on some clothes,” I told him as I stood up.

Once I was in mine and Damien’s room, I changed into a pair of shorts and a ribbed tank top and then began searching through all my things for Lacie’s things that I had kept.


