Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“Alright.” Zoe began to reach with both hands.

“Oh.” I shook my head. “Only eat with the right hand.”

“Got it.” He put the left hand down and grabbed food with the right.

I checked Jade. So smart, she assessed everyone around her and then copied exactly what they were doing.

Don’t be sad. You have Jade back. That is one good thing about tonight.

More food arrived.

I remained with my wine.

My mother spoke first, “Fatou, I sensed your arrival three days ago. I could feel you moving in my bones, needing me.”

I blinked.

She continued, “I told everyone to prepare the feast because my daughter was coming home.”

My father frowned. “And I did not feel anything in my bones. I almost called off the feast.”

My mother gave me a sad smile. “Mothers know what fathers do not. We held the child in our bodies. You and I were one for a long time, Fatou. There is a special connection.”

My father dipped his hand into a large bowl of stew and scooped out a steaming portion. “Then, I hope your special connection can tell us why our daughter suddenly needs us after abandoning our people—”

I forced myself not to frown. “I didn’t abandon anyone. I was thrown out.”

My mother raised her hands. “It does not matter what has happened. What is important is that Fatou is home.”

My father glared. “And Fatou is also needing something too. . .”

My parents and their advisors stopped eating and watched me.

“It is true.” I placed my glass of wine on the food mat. “I do need help.”

My mother and father stared at me with pursed lips. Silence served as my only response.

I placed my hands in my lap. “I come here to respectfully request two things.”

“This is so good.” On my side, Zoe scooped up food and stuffed his mouth.

I cleared my throat. “First, I will need a safe place to keep my daughter, Jade. I had to rescue her from an evil sorcerer who imprisoned her for years. Freeing my child is what I have been busy with this entire time.”

My father crossed his arms over his chest. “And why didn’t your vampire help you?”

“He is not mine.” I let out a long breath. “And he. . .abandoned us.”

My father smirked.

Sadness spread across my mother’s face. “Then, I have a simple response, Fatou. My granddaughter will be safe with us for as long as you need us to watch her.”

“Hold on.” My father raised one hand. “But will we be safe with your daughter in our castle’s walls?”

My mother turned to him. “You will not talk about our granddaughter in this manner.”

“It wasn’t until an hour ago where I discovered I had a granddaughter.” My father looked at Jade. “While she appears cute and harmless, I can smell her magic, and it is fierce and powerful.”

Jade stopped eating and glanced up at me.

I placed my hand on her leg. I didn’t appreciate how my father assessed her, but I understood that he was doing so as the king, not as her grandfather. His main priority was always protecting and serving his people. It was one of the reasons why I thoroughly respected him.

Therefore, I planned to tell him the truth and not hold anything back.

Hopefully, they would still help me.

I swallowed. “I have recently discovered that the sorcerer kept Jade because he thought she could be used as a weapon against. . .vampires.”

The whole space hushed, even the groups of people that had been laughing and dancing around us. Yumboe had awesome hearing, especially when it came to eavesdropping on others’ conversations.

All watched my father for his response.

He unfolded his arms from his chest and touched his chin. “How can she be used against vampires?”

Clearly hearing the whole conversation, Jade showed a huge smile. “I can make vampires cry black tears. I think. . .that is good. . .right, mommy?”

She’s such a fast learner.

I tapped her leg. “Yes, baby. That is the possible weapon.”

My mother turned to Jade. “Was this sorcerer mean to you, darling? Did he hurt you?”

Jade shook her head. “Adae always gave me and the other kids ice cream and read us stories about angels and God. He said that we were God’s army.”

My father kept his view on me. “Fatou, how does she make vampires cry?”

“She told me that it is a special scream.”

Jade bobbed her head.

My mother turned to my father and scowled. “We will not be using our granddaughter as a weapon.”

Father sneered. “We must protect our kingdom.”

“No.” My mother shook her head. “We must fix this broken bond within our family. Only that will truly protect our kingdom.”

Father waved her away. “You talk of tainted bloodlines and I talk of our people. Their families. Their lives.”

“Yet.” Mother raised one finger. “We are our people. And if we are not fixed, then the foundation is cracked and our people will be nothing, but—”


