Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

But as angry as I am at all of them, I’m more frustrated with myself. I’ve gone along with Brett’s plans my whole life. I always felt he knew what was best. His IQ is off the charts, and I trust him with my life. Always have. He always had my back, and I always had his.

Until now, it seems.

This was a mistake.

This whole thing was a mistake, trying to meet women this way. And not just women but potential life partners, mothers for our children.

If the other three don’t see it, they can stay. They can fuck their way through all the women and maybe find a life mate.

For now, my plan is to get Sienna home, make sure Rachel and Ginger have every need met, and find out their plans from here. They’re intelligent women, and if they fear for their safety and the safety of the six other women, they may involve the authorities. Maybe even file a lawsuit. I’ll personally cover all of their expenses and make sure they know I’m looking into everything. If that doesn’t satisfy them, I’ll figure something else out once I get home.


My ranch.

That’s where I belong—underneath the vast Montana skies.

I’m safe there. Always safe.

I don’t feel unsafe here, but I fear the women do. As for me? Did I really think I could come to a place like this and find real companionship?

This place is a fantasy. Pure make-believe.

I’m looking for something real.

And damn...

I was beginning to think I might have found it with Emily.

I close my bag, ready to get the hell out of here, when someone knocks on my door.


I’m so not in the mood to deal with anyone.

I open the door to see not just Emily but Ariel, both wearing tight tanks and shorts.

Emily looks beautiful, of course. She’s clearly showered since the hot tub incident, and I itch to reach forward and touch her porcelain skin.

Damn it!

Clearly the temptation of Brett in the hot tub was enough to get Emily’s panties off.

The connection I thought we forged was in my imagination.

Does it even matter? This game—and it is a game, no matter what Brett thinks—has no rules. Emily has the right to spend time with whomever she pleases.

I’ll do well to remember that. I’ve placed no claim, and at this point, I won’t.

“What do you ladies need?” I ask, keeping my voice calm.

“Answers,” Emily demands.

“Should this be a private conversation?” I glance at Ariel.

Emily shakes her head, barreling into my suite. “Every one of us on this island put ourselves in your care. And you betrayed us.”

Fine. Keeping my voice calm is over. Who the hell does she think she is?

“How, Emily?” I grit my teeth. “How exactly did I betray you? Because I seem to recall fucking you last night only to find your pussy in Brett’s face this morning. So why don’t you clarify for me how you feel betrayed?”

Ariel gasps quietly at the revelation, placing her hand over her mouth.

But Emily...

Emily’s anything but quiet as she flushes red. “I’m not talking about sex or dating or whatever the fuck we’re doing on this island. Rachel was hurt. Sienna is leaving. And I have reason to believe my room is being monitored. So you tell me, River... Who can we trust here?”

I drop my jaw for a few seconds, dumbfounded. She thinks we’re monitoring her room? “What happened to Rachel was an accident,” I say. “Evangeline has investigated.”

“Convenient,” Emily says. “So the next time Evangeline plans a day trip, should I be worried because I caught the eye of two of you now?”

The angry crow takes aim at my neck again. At Emily for her accusations and audacity, but it’s something else too. God, she’s fiery and fucking sexy as hell.

I draw in a breath. “Sienna has a family emergency. A car accident. We’re sending her home so that if things take a bad turn she can say goodbye. It’s that simple.”

“And what assurance can you give me that our rooms aren’t being surveilled?”

Ariel’s lips tremble. She whispers something to Emily, but Emily quiets her.

I’ve had enough of this, and I hate my dick for hardening the angrier I get at Emily. I stalk toward her. “Did Brett know I fucked you multiple times last night when he seduced you in the hot tub? Or did you come onto him?”

Emily glances at Ariel. “Maybe you should give us a minute,” she says quietly. “I’ll meet you in your room.”

Ariel nods and backs out of the suite, closing the door behind her.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Emily demands. “Are you pissed that I did what I came here to do? Get to know all of you?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? What happened with Sienna is private. What happened to Rachel was an accident. What more do want from me?”


