Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

Tiny indentations mar my flesh from the fabric. I scrub my face clean of makeup, take a quick shower, and slide a short silk robe over my shoulders. After combing my hair, I leave the suite and head down to the second floor to see Evangeline. I knock on her door.

She doesn’t answer.

“Evangeline?” I say. “Are you in there? It’s Sienna.”


“Crap.” I turn and nearly run straight into Sebastian.

I have to stop myself from gaping at him. He’s not wearing a shirt, and his hair is unbound around his broad shoulders.

“She’s not there?” he asks.


“I’ll fucking find her.” He pounds on the door. “Evie! I need to see you. Now!" He raises his hand to strike the door again. “Damn it, I⁠—”

The door opens, and Evangeline stands here, her long black hair in a bun. She wears black silk pajamas. “Sebastian? You again?”

“Yeah, me again. You want to explain why you let Misty into Heather’s room?”

“And why you didn’t answer the door when I knocked?” I add.

Then I lean into the wall—wallflower once more. Who do I think I am? Evangeline works for Sebastian, but she doesn’t work for me.

“Did you need something, Sienna?” Evangeline asks. “I was told you got a phone call.”

“Take care of Sebastian first, of course.”

“It’s okay,” Sebastian says. “What do you need, Sienna?”

“It’s just... Someone I love has been in an accident, and her prognosis is sketchy. I may need to leave the island to see her. So I wanted to check to see how that would affect everything if I decide to go.”

Sebastian turns to me. “Whatever you need, we will work it out. But I hope you’ll come back.”

“Of course.” I turn to walk away. “I’ll check in tomorrow morning once I make a decision.”

Sebastian and Evangeline go into her suite and close the door.

Just then, a staff member walks down the hallway toward me. He’s tall with black hair and striking blue eyes.

I think of Brett’s tongue, Alex’s cock...and damn it, in spite of myself, Leroy’s everything.

But mostly, I’m worried about Lavonne.

I need a distraction.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Marc,” he says.

I do a quick scan of his left hand.

No ring.

“You up for some fun, Marc?”

“What’d you have in mind?”

“Follow me.”




I need to get my anger in check. Evangeline’s face is pale, and dark circles rim her eyes. She looks exhausted...and frightened.

I stay near the door. Evangeline walks to her desk and takes a look at her computer. I keep distance between us. I don’t want her to fear me.

But I also want answers.

I clear my throat. “I walked Heather to her suite, and we found Misty there. She said you let her in.”

“I did.”

“Seriously? You just let someone in Heather’s suite without checking with her?”

“Yes. Misty seemed upset and didn’t want to be alone. She indicated that she and Heather had become close and that Heather wouldn’t mind.”

“I see.” I look around Evangeline’s suite. Just last night I was here to seduce information out of her. When I pushed, she ended up getting ill in the bathroom.

And then I found the email from Misty to her.

Fun night, Ev. But remember, I get River, so I want Rachel out of the running. June too. It’s non-negotiable. You owe me.

I marked it as unread and left before Evangeline came out of the bathroom. Neither of us spoke about that meeting today. Evangeline was busy on the catamaran, and then the issue with Rachel...

But now I want answers. What does Evangeline owe Misty?

And what the hell happened to Rachel?

Evangeline’s dark eyes harbor secrets, a flicker of something unspoken.

“We’re paying you a lot of money, Evie,” I say, keeping my voice kind. “You’re doing a bang-up job, but I have questions.”

“Of course.” She takes a seat at her desk. “But it’s late. Can we deal with this tomorrow?”

I take a look at my watch. “It is tomorrow. It’s a few minutes past midnight.”

“Shouldn’t you be with your date? Heather, wasn’t it?”

“Our date is over.”

“How did it go? She’s a lovely girl.”

“She is,” I agree.

“But you have lunch with Ariel coming up. She’s young, but such a beautiful thing. And she⁠—”

I hold up my hand to stop her. She’s trying to change the subject. Has she forgotten that we had her orchestrate these dates? Of course, she doesn’t know that River had an ulterior motive. She only knows he asked for Misty specifically.

“I need to know what Misty is up to,” I say.

“I think you’d need to ask her that.”

“I’m sure River has. But apparently their date didn’t go all that well if she asked you to let her into Heather’s room.”

Evangeline says, “She didn’t tell me anything about it.”

“She was crying,” I say. “She was lying on the couch in Heather’s living area, and when we came in, she wiped tears from her eyes.”


