Campfire Chaos Read online K. Webster (Hood River Hoodlums #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hood River Hoodlums Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 100476 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 502(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

“Don’t forget,” Cal booms. “Mid-term test tomorrow before Thanksgiving break. Study your asses off or you’ll fail. Do you really want to be a failure just in time for Christmas? Your mommies and daddies might not leave you any presents under the tree. Stop worrying about town gossip and study.”

Everyone groans. Heidi rushes to his desk, claiming she has questions about her notes. I blow Cal a kiss and then leave to head to my next class. After I grab a book from my locker, I walk down the hall, my thoughts elsewhere.


I freeze at the harshly spat word. Grayson and his buddy Eli fall into step on either side of me. Ignoring them, I walk faster toward class.

“Ryan’s pissed,” Grayson fumes. “You really are a sick bitch to try and ruin their lives. You think you’re such a goody fucking two-shoes now.”

I glance over at him in confusion. “I haven’t spoken to Ryan since October,” I bite out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not ruining his life.”

“Nah,” Grayson bites out. “Just trying to ruin his dad’s instead.”

Screeching to a halt, I face this idiot. “What are you talking about?”

“His dad got put on administrative leave,” Grayson snarls.

“So? It has nothing to do with me!”

“Word is your boyfriend Cal is responsible, so that makes you guilty by association.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I snap, refusing to cower. “You can tell Ryan to forget I exist.”

“He’s obsessed with you for some goddamn reason,” Grayson gripes, softly smacking my cheek. “Forgetting you exist will be the last thing he does.”

I shove him away from me. “Get out of my face, asshole.”

He and Eli laugh. “Or what, whore?”

“Or I’ll make you,” Penny says, appearing out of nowhere, a can of Mace she keeps attached to her keys pointed right in his face. “Test me. I’ve been wanting to use this thing since I got it.”

Grayson fists his hands like he might hit her, which makes me tense up.

“I suggest you boys run along because my fists will hurt a lot more than that can of Mace,” Cal bellows from nearby.

Eli and Grayson bolt, disappearing into the crowd.

“Spoiler of fun,” Penny complains to Cal. “I really, really wanted to blind that asshole.”

“Another day, brat. Get to class.” Cal waves her off and then turns to me. “You okay?”

The bell rings, emptying the halls within seconds. Only a few kids linger.

“What happened last night?” I demand. “Apparently I’m getting blamed for it.”

He scowls. “How the hell would you get blamed for Wes fucking Brylee?”

“Ryan’s dad is on administrative leave. Somehow that’s my fault.”

Cal’s brows fly up. “That so?”


“For once, I think the law is prevailing in our favor. I admit I led the cops to Wes’s doorstep, but last I saw of Michael, he was doing his job arresting Wes.”

“I thought this thing with Ryan was over,” I grumble.

“He’ll slip up in a big way and when he does, all this shit will eventually stick to him. His dad can’t protect him forever. One day he’s going to pay.”

“You’re right,” I say with a sigh. “I’m just impatient.”

He pulls me to him, grinning. “Would it make you feel better knowing I carved my name in his dick?”

My eyes widen. “What?”

“When he tried to rape you, I made sure he’d always think about me when he used that piece of shit dick of his.” He shrugs like penis mutilation is nothing. “He deserved it.”

“Cal Hutton,” I choke out. “You did not.”

His eyes light up in the wicked way that makes me weak in the knees for him. “I did, English. You’re welcome.”

“I don’t know what to say…”

“Nothing. You’re late for class.” He kisses me boldly in front of several students who aren’t in class yet. “Love you, loser.”

“Love you too, psycho.”

I pull away from his kiss and dart my eyes to someone nearby. “Aren’t you afraid we’ll get in trouble?”

Cal grins like the devil. “Nah. We’re Hoodlums. Hoodlums rule this school and everyone else can just fuck off.” He glances over at some guy. “Right?”

The kid stares at him, gaping.

“Get to class, dipshit, or I’ll give you detention.”

I shake my head as the kid runs off. “You’re an asshole.”

“Your asshole. Now go before I punish you for skipping.”

As tempting as that is, I leave the naughty teacher and hurry off to class.


I could get used to Thanksgivings like this. Happy. Surrounded by friends and family. Usually, Thanksgiving consists of myself and my parents. This year, the crowd is bigger. Since Terrence has been glued to my side, I invited Rhetta and Tierra. Of course Charlotte is here—right on my lap where she belongs—and so are Garrett, his ditzy girlfriend Elise, and Penny. The other Hoodlums—including Jace—have all joined Karen and Kelsey for the holiday. Mike and Roan, like any holiday, are on call, so they have to stay near the station. It’d be cool if everyone could come together, even if we did it over at Karen’s, but with Kelsey and Garrett seeing other people, it makes it awkward as fuck.


