Buy Me, Sir Read Online Free Book by Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 126
Estimated words: 126154 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 631(@200wpm)___ 505(@250wpm)___ 421(@300wpm)

But he doesn’t.

He reaches inside his jacket and pulls out an envelope.

“I like to get the practicalities out of the way first,” he says, and I feel weirdly sad as I take the money from him. Feel strangely deflated as I thank him and drop the bundle in my handbag. He finishes up his water as I clasp it shut. “I hope you weren’t too inconvenienced in the aftermath,” he says.

“Tender,” I admit. “But it was no problem.”

“Good to hear.” He clears his throat. “In other practicalities, you’ll be staying until morning. We’ll meet at this time every weekend.”


“If you’ve revised your hard limits after our last encounter, now is the time to air them.”

I shake my head. “No revisions.”

He doesn’t understand me, and I know it. I can see his mind whirring behind those dark eyes, digging and reasoning and trying to fit my pieces together. I feel it. I feel him.

But he won’t. He can’t.

He’s trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Without any of them.

“You’re quite extraordinary,” he tells me, and I feel that, too.

“So are you, Mr Brown.” I can hardly breathe. I can hardly think. I can hardly do anything but yield to the way my body feels when he’s near.

I watch his throat as he swallows. I watch his mouth as he takes the breath I’m craving.

My body moves as his does, my tummy fluttering as we meet in the space between us, and my hands really do slip inside his jacket, my mouth already open for his as he lowers his face to mine.

I’d burn all the cash in my handbag for one single moment like this.

I’d give him everything I owned just for one breath of his breath.

And I think he knows, somewhere deep inside. I think he knows this isn’t Amy Randall, some random girl being paid for sex with a stranger.

I think he knows he knows me, because he groans when his fingers twist in my hair, and I feel his heartbeat against my shoulder. It’s fast, it’s really fast.

Nearly as fast as mine.

He tugs my dress up and over my head, and unclips my bra and drops it loose. His fingers hook inside my knickers and shimmy them down my hips, until there’s only me, naked in discount shoes. He parts my thigh with his, and the fabric of his trousers is so soft against my pussy. He hitches my ass and holds me tight, and I rock against him, loving the swell of his crotch against my belly.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders for leverage, and he takes my weight, grinds against me until I’m panting into his mouth, my eyes hazy and unfocused as he urges me faster.

I’m going to come in his arms before he’s even taken his jacket off, and he wants it, I know he wants it.

“Horny girl,” he breathes, and I shudder.

My clit grinds against his thigh. My chest presses to his as I suck his tongue into my mouth.

I lose my mind as I tip over the edge, squirming against him without a scrap of reservation as I moan like the whore I technically am.

And when I stop, he doesn’t. He doesn’t let me go as I breathe ragged breaths into his mouth. He doesn’t let up his grip on my ass as he walks me backwards to the bed and lowers himself on top.

His tie falls between my tits and tickles me. The lapels of his jacket are smooth under my fingers.

“You like the suit,” he comments, and I nod.

“I love the suit,” I tell him, and I guess that’s why he stays in it. I guess that’s why he unbuckles his belt and pulls his cock free with his clothed flesh against my nakedness.

I groan as he pushes inside, but my pussy is ready for him this time. I grunt with discomfort at the stretch, but he’s hard and fast, shunting deep as my thighs part to take him.

“Fuck me,” I hiss.

And he does.

He fucks me so hard I bite his shoulder to quell the grunts, his ear against mine as he takes me. I take his ass in my hands and urge him deeper, even though it fucking hurts, and I can hear the noises my pussy is making, the wet slaps as he pounds my flesh.

“This is insane,” he growls, and it makes me smile.

He has no idea.

“I love it,” I whisper, and he lifts his face to search my eyes.

I hold him, one hand in his hair as my thumb brushes his jaw, and there’s nothing I can do to hide how much I want him. Nothing in the world I could do to play this cool.

So I don’t.

I kiss him. Hard.

He shudders.

I stroke his face and he groans.

I wrap my legs around his waist and roll my hips to take him deeper, and I’m groaning too.


