#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Holy hell!” he yelled as we jumped. The water splashed all around us as we plunged into the pool below. I released him, and we swam to the surface.

“Motherfucker,” he said, laughing. The way the sun glistened in his eyes, the corners of his lips high on his cheeks as he grinned about as hard as I figured he could, assured me that I’d made the right call by taking him out here.

“We can stand if we’re closer to the other side,” I told him, swimming a ways until I felt the bottom beneath my feet.

He kept close to me and laughed, which made me ask, “What?”

“I have to stand on my tippy-toes in this part, but you’re fine, aren’t you?”

“Oh, duh,” I said, realizing I hadn’t walked far enough in, so we took a few steps until Dax could stand without straining his feet. His eyes shifted to the water cascading down the side of the drop-off, splashing and creating a white mist as it hit the bottom.

“Welcome to Fever Falls,” I announced, waving to the landmark as though I were a tour guide.

“Wait—that’s it? This entire town is named after this itty-bitty thing?”

I couldn’t help myself. I fucking bowed over in a fit of hysterics over his surprise. “No, Dax. This isn’t it. Tell me you are not that gullible? No. We’re in Fever Creek. The falls are down about a mile from here. Considering how warm it is today, I bet it’s packed. But we’ll say this is our own private Fever Falls.”

He laughed at my ruse as I moved closer to him.

“Wow. Is that the joke you tell all the girls you bring out here?” Dax asked.

“I’ve never brought anyone out here before.” I hadn’t really thought about it until he’d mentioned that. Guess I’d never had anyone I wanted to enjoy it with until I met him.

His expression twitched about before his gaze settled on my lips. Hooking my arm around him, I pressed my hand against the small of his back. He didn’t resist, just moved right for it as our lips crushed together.

God, I’d thought about that mouth a few times throughout the day, when I’d seen him on his phone on the sidelines during the shoot, when we’d exchanged glances and he’d smirked in just the right way. As I pushed my tongue between his lips, he opened that mouth so willingly.

Keeping one hand on his back, I positioned my other against his face and ran the side of my thumb through the soft hairs across it. When I finally managed to pull away from him and gaze into those beautiful hazel eyes, I said, “How do you like my surprise?”

He rolled his eyes. “It’s alright.”

“Is this going to impress you enough to let me…” I slid my hand down his back, cupping that ass, feeling his erection pushing up against me.

His hand found my ass cheek too, and he said, “Just don’t forget our deal.” He winked.

“Oh God. I’ll have to remember that the sooner I get in there, the sooner you get in here.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, seems like I’ll have to take notes.”

He didn’t seem to enjoy my teasing, just scanned my face. I wasn’t sure why. “You’re a hard man to figure out, Jace.”

“I could say the same thing about you.”

He still seemed puzzled—troubled even—and it was starting to worry me. “You’re looking really serious right now, Dax. Am I pressuring you too much about messing around?”

“No, it wasn’t that.”

“Then what was just on your mind? Why do you look so serious?”

“I was talking to Benny earlier at Fever Pitch, and he told me about the time you saved his niece.”

“Little Rae Bae, or so I call her. Yeah. I remember. Poor thing was shaken up, but she’s hardly been fazed by it. After it happened, I told her it was an adventure, like in the movies or in one of those books she read with her parents. She took to that pretty well. Now she tells the story all wide-eyed and like it was this great adventure she made it through.”

“That’s what I was referring to. Isn’t it weird that you have a moment like that, pulling a girl from the second floor of a house while it’s on fire, but then finding out all the world cares about is that you saved a Shar-Pei?”

Of course I’d thought about that plenty, but I was surprised by the way Dax seemed so rattled by it, as though there was more to this conversation than anything to do with my work. “It’s kind of funny to me, really. A little random. Plenty of guys do far more than anything I’ve ever done, but never get the praise for it. I can’t complain that I was lucky enough for it to happen to me. But something about it clearly plays on your mind. Something you want to talk about?”


