Broken Hill Hurt Read online Sheridan Anne (Broken Hill High #3)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Broken Hill High Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 74710 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

“I don’t know, honey,” she says, putting her arm over my shoulder. “He’s clearly upset about something, so I guess we’ll go home and figure it out. Maybe he’ll give you that hug once he gets it off his chest.”

I let out a low sigh. “Hopefully.”

Chapter 11

When mom pulls up at the front door, dad is already there waiting. My jaw clenches and I sit in the car for a moment too long, trying to calm myself before I hurry up the steps and slap the douche canoe across the face. I mean, how dare he come and treat us all like crap after the shit he put us through? If anything, it should be the other way around. He should be apologizing for being away too long. Saying how he should be calling more often.

And to accuse me of acting out? I’m offended. On what grounds would he assume I was acting out? I mean, yes, I did get an in school suspension for violence but that wasn’t acting out, that was protecting Nate.

“Here goes,” mom says, cutting the engine and pushing the door open.

I try to channel her bravery as I get myself out of the car and walk around to meet her by the steps. We walk up to the door with an attitude I wasn’t aware either of us possessed, but to be honest, I really like it.

We stalk straight past dad as though he doesn’t exist and I scoop my bag up off the floor before pushing through the door. Mom stops to enter the alarm code as I continue up the steps to my room. I haven’t been home since Friday morning and all I want to do is relax in my own bed but instead, my father wants to start a family fight about what a douchebag he is. Don’t get me wrong, most days I absolutely love my dad, apart from the whole Russian sex site he was visiting.

I mean, I was in a fire two nights ago and my chest is still sore from where Puck desperately kept my heart pumping. Is it too much to ask that he just check up on us and have a nice visit before going back?

I’m in my room for all of two minutes when my dad’s voice comes sailing up from downstairs. “Tora, come down here, please.” Well… at least he said ‘please’.

I let out a loud, frustrated groan. I just want this over. I’ve got so many things to say but with the mood the three of us are in, it’s not going to go well.

I make my way downstairs being careful not to jostle myself around too much as my body still hurts a bit. I walk into the dining area and find mom and dad standing at either end of the room and from the look on mom’s face, I’d dare say that dad has already said something.

“Take a seat,” dad says, indicating to a chair that faces him head on.

I do as I’m told and from the way he’s looking at me, I can tell this is going to be more of an attack than a discussion. The second I’m settled in my chair, he lets it all out. “Your actions over the past few months have been nothing short of a disgrace,” he starts.

“Really?” I cut him off. “You’re going to start this whole thing by attacking me?”

“I’m not attacking you,” he says. “You made it clear at the hospital that you’re not happy with me, so I’m ripping it off like a Band-Aid. I’ll say my piece and then we can all move forward.”

“Just like your work,” I grunt.

“We’re not here to discuss my work,” he snaps. “I know me not being here is hard on you. On both of you. But right now, we’re here to discuss the fact that you’re slipping. Your grades are down the toilet, you’re getting suspensions for fighting, you’re attitude sucks, and you’re spending all your time with a boy who has never shown an ounce of respect in his life.”

“Leave Nate out of it. He has nothing to do with this.”

“He has everything to do with this,” dad argues. “He’s the reason you’ve turned into this atrocity. Him and your mother.”

“Watch yourself,” mom scold from across the room as she watches him with fury.

I push myself to my feet. I refuse to have him looking down on me, treating me like a misbehaving child while he’s the one who’s having a tantrum. “Did you consider I’m such an ‘atrocity’ because my father up and left without even a goodbye the same week we buried my Nanna? Nate and mom are the only people holding me together.”

“You’re going to blame this on daddy issues?” he scoffs. “Get a grip, Tora. This is all on your new boyfriend. He’s changed you, or maybe it’s you changing for him?”


