Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

I watch her Master.

His eyes never leave her face. Another man comes up behind her and forcefully pounds her, making her entire body jolt forward as he fucks her with a ruthless pace.

She gives a strangled cry and reaches out for her Master. He holds on to her, supporting her head in his hands. I watch as he kisses her passionately, capturing her cries with his lips.

His other hand runs along the curve of her waist, trailing down between the bench and her body. He keeps his eyes focused on hers as he rubs her clit.

“Cum, esclave. Show them how good you feel, esclave,” he whispers into the space between them. She moans into his mouth and takes the punishing fuck from the stranger behind her.

I’m entrapped in their passion; I've never seen anything like this before.

Kade pulls me away, and I refuse to look at the other scenes. I'm overwhelmed with my own varied emotions and concerns.

Does that woman even know who the man behind her is?

Does her Master? Has he given them permission ahead of time, or would he let anyone fuck her?

The questions race through my mind. But the truth is, I’m not disgusted; I’m enthralled. My skin heats and tingles, and my pussy grows hot with need.

This is wrong. This is terrifying. But for a moment, it’s intoxicating. The erotic thrill confuses me, and makes me genuinely afraid.

“Come, angel,” Kade says as he pulls the chain tight on my wrists. “Your training starts tonight.”


Kade leads me through a narrow hallway and past a set of rooms. They’re small, and each have a large square window that lets the people in the hallway see the entire room. There are small benches in the center of the hallway, but no one's sitting. A few windows have curtains pulled shut, but most are open so anyone can watch. I try not to look. I try not to listen to the sounds. But every one of my senses is flooded with sex. Sex is everywhere.

“You’ll watch tonight,” Kade says, stopping in front of a window.

His hands rest on my shoulders as I peer into the window and take in the scene. A redheaded woman with beautiful curls that drape down her back is turned away from us. A man stands to the left, circling her; he’s appraising her.

His hand settles on her hip and he pulls her backward so her back hits his chest. His head lowers and he whispers something into her ear.

I want to ask Kade if everyone here is like... us. If she’s forced to be there with him. She doesn’t look it. Neither has anyone else. This isn't what I expected.

The woman in the room molds her body to his and nods, making her red locks bounce. I have so many questions. Kade told me to be quiet though. My heart sinks slightly. I resist the urge to turn in his arms and plead with him. I feel so lost and confused. I don’t know anything.

The man leaves the woman standing with her back to us and approaches the window. He flicks a switch, and I hear a loud click.

“Tonight, my Sara will show her submission to me, and devotion to our lifestyle.” He walks to the far edge of the room and picks up something off the floor. It’s a paddle. My heart races faster in my chest. He’s going to beat her!

My legs move naturally in an attempt to protest and save her. My body heats. I can’t stand by and watch this. I won’t.

Kade’s hands dig into my shoulders, forcing me to stay where I am. “He’s not going to hurt her.” He says the words simply, but I don’t trust him. I don’t believe him. A man to my left turns his head and stares at me. I almost look up at him and sneer, but Kade grips my chin and lowers his lips to my ear.

“You’re being such a good girl, angel.” His words make my body melt into his. I can't deny his approval makes me weak. “Just watch.” He loosens his grip and takes my hips in his hands, keeping me in place.

“Kneel spread.” The man gives a forceful command, but he also raises his hand and then lowers it with his fingers fanned out.

The woman drops to her knees and spreads her legs wide. I try to look away, but Kade holds the nape of my neck. I can see everything. Her ass rests on the heels of her feet, and her back is straight. I try not to look, but my eyes are drawn to her glistening sex. A violent heat floods my face as I blush. I search her face for anything, but she’s completely neutral with her eyes on the floor.

“This position is excellent for display, but also for both punishment and reward due to the difficulty in maintaining the position, and the ease of access to her body, respectively” The man talks as he walks behind her. He sets the paddle down onto the bench and kneels next to her. He pinches her nipple and pulls outward. Her lips part slightly as her eyes close then slowly open, as she looks directly at his face.


