Bound to Cruelty – Doubeck Crime Family Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73580 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

Adrian chuckles softly. It’s a sound that usually strikes fear into people. Anyone who isn’t family. “Good luck with that.”

He doesn’t say goodbye, and I wonder why he’s calling now. I’ve been away for weeks, and he calls now?

I glance down at the suit. Knowing the brand, it costs as much as some of the ones Kai owns. The thought of putting it on makes nausea rise in my gut.

“You okay?” Selena asks from my open doorway.

I stare down at my phone, still in my hands. “Fine. I’m fine.”

She crosses the room, stopping in front of me to lift my chin. I meet her eyes, and I can’t handle what she doesn’t think to hide this time. Not while she wears another man’s ring. Not while she’s trying to do everything she can to ensure we’ll never be together. Not while I want nothing more than to pull her into my arms and bury myself in the feel of her. “You can talk to me. I’m a shitty listener, but a very good shot with a gun.”

I snort. “I’m fine, really. Just tired. It’s been a few long nights, remember?”

Her eyes go dreamy, and she gives me a curt nod, stepping away. “Right. Well. You can ride with us to the event if you want.”

I want to keep the peace a little longer, so I don’t detail how much I absolutely don’t want to be trapped in a limo with her and the man she’s pretending she’ll marry. “I’ll take my car.”

She backs toward the door, giving me one last look. “Well, okay then. I’ll see you there. I bet you’re going to look great in that. Don’t let her drink too much though. She gets handsy when she’s drunk. You have no idea how many young waiters she’s had to pay off to keep them quiet.”

Before she disappears, I call her back. She pokes her head into the room again. I don’t know what makes me ask her, maybe the stupid budding, barely standing, hope I have in my body. “If you weren’t meant to rule this seat of power, what do you think you’d do?”

Her forehead crumples as she considers. “I don’t know. Maybe something with numbers. I’m very good at making money. It’s one reason I rose to my position at such a young age. There is nothing the society loves more than money.”

I nod, and she smiles, a flash of a thing, there and gone. Along with her.

She’s right. There’s nothing that moves mountains amongst criminals like money. So who in this Chicago set has the most cash to throw around?

It’s a question I’d like answered before I walk into the middle of this mess. That party could very well be a trap, and I’d rather die than allow her to be hurt again. So finding out who’s got my little brat in their sights is my first priority. Margery might very well help me there if I play my cards right. Do something useful with her disgusting life before I end it.

The state of the money in her little patch of land isn’t something I’m going to ask Selena about, but I shoot Kai a text asking him to look into it.

I stand and face the tuxedo. She wants to wrap me up like a present so she can peel off the layers later.

I swallow hard, leaning forward in case the bile stinging my throat actually comes up. This is going to take one hell of an act to get through, but the reward will be worth it. I can’t wait to see the look on Margery’s face when I cut out her heart inch by painful inch.



Usually, I enjoy preparing for a party. Now, after everything that’s happened and the weeks I’ve been away, I’m not sure how to face it. How to face these people who were so quick to see me betrayed.

I decide to wear one of the dresses Emmanuelle sent, since the obscenely feminine cut and sparkling tulle will provide the perfect disguise. There will be some there who will recognize me. I can only hope my presence stays a secret long enough for me to make a move.

I finish my makeup and leave my hair loose and curly. I already hate the sewn in beads of the bodice and how they dig into my skin. I’ll be peppered in little red dots later. At least the champagne color is pretty, and I have shoes to match already.

Emmanuelle arrives five minutes before he said he would. All in all, he’s not a bad guy. In my research, I didn’t discover much about his activity on his council, or anything about his family or holdings. Usually people without family connections don’t make it on the council. It’s too easy to usurp those who have no backup when the shit hits the fan.


