Bought and Enjoyed – Shameful Arrangements Read Online Emily Tilton

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 65189 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 326(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

As Alice’s eyes met mine again, I felt a surge of emotion I hadn’t expected. The candlelight flickered, casting soft shadows across her delicate features. Her lips, stained slightly red from the wine, curved into a shy smile that sent a jolt through my chest.

I found myself captivated by the play of light in her chestnut hair, the way it framed her face in gentle waves. Her green eyes, wide and expressive, seemed to hold a world of possibilities. In that moment, I could imagine spending hours getting lost in their depths, unraveling the mysteries hidden within.

The soft clink of cutlery and the low murmur of conversation from tables below us in the main dining room faded into the background. All I could focus on was Alice—the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, the way her slender fingers toyed nervously with the stem of her wineglass, the faint flush that still colored her cheeks.

If this were any other woman, I thought, I would know exactly how to proceed. I would sponsor her, almost certainly. I would fuck her once or twice a week for a month or two, perhaps teach her some of the joys of sexual discipline, and then send her on her way with a gift from my own pocket, something to cover her studies for the rest of the year and free her to find another sponsor.

But Alice… Alice was different. The more we talked, the more I found myself genuinely interested in her thoughts, her dreams, her fears. I wanted to know everything about her—not just how she’d look spread out on my bed, her wrists and ankles bound, her cunt soaking wet and desperate for my massive cock.

Her green eyes had gone wide with a mix of hope and uncertainty. “You really think so?”

“I do,” I assured her. “Which is why I’d like to make you an offer.”

Alice’s breath caught audibly. I could see the conflict in her eyes—excitement warring with apprehension. She knew what kind of offer I meant, of course. We both did.


I couldn’t let myself think about it. That’s what I told myself, as if it were a valid excuse. Carpe diem. You Only Live Once.

Besides, if I hesitated, obviously the most famous, most interesting, most handsome person I’d ever met would decide he didn’t want to sponsor me after all.

In his eyes, though… I could see attraction, which made my heart glow with a kind of pride I’d never felt before in my life. I could see something else, though: a sort of burning hunger that made my heart jump with fear even as down below I felt a very different kind of glow.

Don’t let yourself think about it.

“I accept, Monsieur,” I said in a voice even softer than I’d intended it.

A smile broke out on Lucas’ face, like the sun emerging from a fog that’s obscured it. I watched him get his phone out of his breast pocket, my heart pounding as he opened the SA app and tapped at his phone screen. A moment later, my own phone buzzed in my clutch purse. With trembling fingers, I retrieved it and saw the notification:

Congratulations! Lucas has made you a sponsorship offer!

I tapped to open it, my eyes widening as I saw the details. The monthly allowance was more than I’d ever dreamed of—enough to cover all my expenses and then some. There were other perks listed too—a clothing budget, access to Lucas’ personal stylist, even the possibility of accompanying him to select events.

At the bottom was a simple button: ‘Accept Offer.’

I glanced up at Lucas, who was watching me intently, those piercing blue eyes seeming to see right through me. My finger hovered over the button as a mix of excitement and trepidation swirled within me. This was it—the moment that would change everything.

Taking a deep breath, I tapped ‘Accept.’

Lucas’ smile was dazzling. “Excellent,” he purred. “Now, shall we head back to your apartment? I’d like to… get to know my new associate better.”

The low, sensual tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine. I nodded mutely, suddenly finding it difficult to form words.

My heart pounded as we stepped out of the restaurant into the warm Parisian night. Lucas’ hand rested on the small of my back, a possessive gesture that sent tingles through my body, a very different sensation from Martin’s touch the previous night. The sleek black limousine waited at the curb, its polished surface gleaming under the streetlights.

As we settled into the plush leather seats, I felt a heady mix of anxiety and arousal. Lucas sat close, his thigh pressing against mine. The heat of his body seemed to radiate through the thin fabric of my dress.

“Your apartment, I believe?” Lucas murmured, his voice low and intimate.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. As the limo glided through the darkened streets, I couldn’t help but imagine what awaited us. Would Lucas be gentle? Demanding? My body thrummed with anticipation.


