Boomer (Cerberus MC #25) Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Cerberus MC Series by Marie James

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 80302 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 402(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

“You know her?”

“It’s Lennox Maison. She’s a cop with the PD,” Drake says. “She’s answered a few calls when one of the people at the bar gets a little too unruly.”

“She’s a little far from home, isn’t she?” I ask as we walk closer, Cerberus closing its ranks quite literally into the center of the campground.

Men reach for their women, who in turn wrap their arms around their waists as we watch.

Colton doesn’t look happy as the plainclothes cop shows him something in a folder, but she doesn’t seem to want to listen to him as she walks past him.

“She’s pretty,” I observe.

“Don’t say it to her face,” Drake grouses. “She’s a real hard-ass. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen her smile.”

“Sawyer Maddox,” she says, walking right up to Ugly without hesitation or seeming intimidated despite all the people staring her down.

“Hey there, beautiful,” the man says, growing perkier than ever even though he claimed to be tired earlier.

“Do you recognize this woman?”

I lean to the side to see the picture she’s showing him.

He shakes his head. “Can’t say that I do.”

She closes the folder, tucking it under her arm.

“Should I?”

“I’m Detective Lennox Maison with the Farmington Police Department. Can you turn around please and place your hands behind your back?”

“Not really into being watched during kinky time,” Ugly says as he spins, a smile still on his face.

His face falls when she actually pulls cuffs out of her back pocket and clicks them on his wrists. She leans in close, having to stand up on the tips of her toes to get close to his ear.

“You should recognize her,” she spits. “You’re under arrest for her rape and murder.”

A wave of disbelief echoes around the group as the detective drags Ugly back toward the cabins.

“Prez?” my teammate asks, terror in his eyes as he looks at Kincaid.

“We’re on it, Ugly,” Kincaid assures him, pulling his phone from his back pocket.

“Holy shit,” Drake mutters.

“Did you see the picture?” Bishop asks Legacy.

Legacy nods.

“Do you recognize her?” I ask, my head swarming with confusion.

“That’s the woman he left the bar with that first night we came to town.”



