Blyssfully Undone Read Online J.C. Cliff (Blyss Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blyss Trilogy Series by J.C. Cliff

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 95898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 479(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“Make my belly flip and dip every time you touch me?” An unsuppressed laugh escapes me, and she takes a playful swat at my chest. “Well, it does. Every time we touch, I seem to lose my self-control. It’s like you’ve got this voodoo magic thing going on every time I get within five feet of you.”

A sly grin spreads across my lips. “So is that the secret? Keep a five-foot rope around you?” She takes another swat at me, and I grab her wrist, pulling her into me. “Hey, now. I’m not doing anything we haven’t done before. Your body already knows what it likes. It’s your mind who’s fighting you,” I counter with an intense stare. “Kiss me again, and then deny me. Tell me no; I dare you.” With those last words, I make my move and assault her with a scorching kiss, tasting her in such a way she can do nothing but take what I dish out. I pull her body flush against mine, and she moans. Her pert breasts rub against my chest. I use my free hand to cradle her cheek, tilting her head to the side so I can delve deeper into her mouth.

I will never be able to get enough of her. Talk about a landslide of love—I’m in an avalanche. I pull away just enough to tease her with my tongue, making her dizzy with desire as I whisper a seductive challenge over her lips. “Tell me you’re not on fire for more. Deny me now, and tell me we aren’t meant to be together.”

“I can’t,” she whimpers as she opens her mouth wider, searching for me, but I continue to hold back.

“Damn right you can’t. You may not know where you belong, but I do. I never had a moment’s doubt.” I give her everything I have as I unabashedly drive my tongue into her mouth, thrusting in and out of her warmth as our tongues tangle with heated passion. I grab her by the back of the neck, forcing her body to meld with mine as I fuck her mouth with my tongue.

My hand leaves her cheek to slowly peruse a trail over the soft, supple skin of her neck. Her pulse is racing beneath my fingertips. My hard-on is killing me. I want so badly to slide into her tight pussy and experience the euphoria of coming deep inside her. I then cup the swell of her breast in my hand and pinch her hard nipple. She whimpers in my mouth, my name a whispered prayer. “Travis.”

I soothe the injury, rubbing gentle circles over her breast. Her hips move in time with my tongue, and I know her little pussy is on fire. I blindly find the hem of her dress and slip my hand underneath the material. I trail my fingers along the inside of her thigh, and I groan when she spreads her legs apart, giving me free access. My fingertips slip past the elastic band at her apex, and I dip two fingers past her folds. She’s so wet I slip all the way in to my knuckles. “You’re so damn sexy.” I take pride knowing I got her juices flowing faster than the speed of light. She helplessly whimpers in soft little pants, moving her hips against my fingers as she tries to get more penetration, but I back off.

“What do you want, Jules?” I gruffly whisper between kisses.

“I want you, Travis.” Her breathing is erratic, and her kisses grow sloppy. It’s sexy as hell to watch her lose all inhibitions. She fists my shirt material in her hands, breathing hot and heavy when I let her come up for air. “Please fill me.”

I smother her with hot passion and give her what she wants. Torturously slow, I pump my fingers in and out of her wetness, stretching her silky walls. Oh, God, I think I’m gonna love make-up sex. Everything feels new, raw, and fervent. I pull my fingers out of her heat and wipe her juices over her clit, rubbing back and forth over her firm nub. She turns her head to the side, gasping for air, trying to stifle a moan. I dip three fingers in this time, and grin when her lungs deflate with a loud, “Ohhh, my God.”

“You like feeling that fullness, sweetheart? You’re pussy has soaked my hand. Let’s see if I can make it sing.” I work all three fingers against her g-spot while using my thumb to slide over her wet clit. I pull her lips back to mine and swallow her moans and whimpers.

I can tell when the sensations start to become too much for her to bear, because she tries to pull away from our kiss, and at the same time, her legs want to clamp down, shutting me out. I’m not having it. My grip tightens around her neck, making her take the over-stimulated pleasure. The heat between us is so intense my tongue could start a fire in her mouth.


