Bittersweet – The Calvettis of New York Read Online Deborah Bladon

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 69011 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 345(@200wpm)___ 276(@250wpm)___ 230(@300wpm)

I’m awake and famished since I skipped dinner, thinking Porter would feed me. I didn’t realize that the one bite of salmon I had hours ago would be the only sustenance he’d offer.

“You have to try Afton’s cinnamon raisin bread.” Joel’s eyes light up. “Lightly toasted with a thin layer of salted butter. I’m telling you, Luke, that’s perfection on a plate.”

“I could go for that now.” Luke turns his attention to me. “What do you say, Afton?”

I say I’d rather be naked in bed while he eats me, but at this point, I don’t think anyone is going anywhere but my kitchen.

“I’ll toast some bread,” I announce as I maneuver around Luke before I slap my palm against the light switch.

I take off in the direction of the toaster with my best friend and the man I’m crushing hard on following me every step of the way.


“You can kill me now.” Joel juts his hands out to his side. “Will you ever forgive me for breaking up your fuck fest last night?”

Smiling, I bite my bottom lip. “Fuck fest? Really, Joel? We’re in a …”

“Fast food place.” He glances around. “Buying a breakfast sandwich when you have everything you need at home to make one that will be a thousand times better than this one.”

“That’s precisely why we’re here.” I take another step closer to the counter where a line of people dressed in colorful matching shirts and black pants are working as smoothly as a well-oiled machine. “I can just buy it and eat it. No mess, no fuss, just yum.”

Joel surveys the menu hanging above the counter. “Just yuck.”

“We used to eat here all the time in high school,” I point out. “You know you’re craving something greasy that’s over-salted.”

He shoots me a look. “There’s a chance I might have to be nude for the movie role.”

I take in the dark pants and light gray button-down shirt he’s wearing. “You’ll warn me about that, won’t you? So I can cover my eyes before that shows up on the big screen.”

Keeping a straight face, he shakes his head. “It’s all for art, my dear, and to drive the storyline forward, so no, there will be no warnings.”

“I’ll wait until the PG-rated version hits the small screen.” I flash him a smile before I approach the counter to order. “I’ll have two mediums coffees, two bacon and egg sandwiches, and an order of hash browns with extra butter for the movie star standing behind me.”

The woman at the counter sets her sights on Joel. “Oh my God. It’s you, isn’t it?”

This isn’t the first time I’ve pointed out to a stranger that Joel is an actor. I tend to embellish each time, but Joel’s never complained.

No one has ever questioned him on what roles he’s played. Some will ask for an autograph, while others request a selfie with him.

Joel and I always share a laugh afterward because he hasn’t landed a high-profile role yet, despite his best effort.

“You played the lead in Dime in a Half Dozen on Broadway.” The woman claps her hands together. “You’re Joel Walton-Neal. I saw you on opening night.”

The joy on Joel’s face brings tears to my eyes.

“I’m him.” He pats a hand in the middle of his chest.

“Your breakfast is on the house.” She turns to look at the person working next to her. “That’s Joel Walton-Neal. Can you believe it?”

I move to the side as she rounds the counter to launch herself into Joel’s arms. He takes her embrace like a champ, clinging as tightly to her as she is to him.

She yanks a phone from the back pocket of her pants and shoves it at me. “Can you get a picture of us? Please.”

I don’t hesitate at all. I snap the picture, and then for good measure, I take another.

“That’s my sister-in-law.” Joel wags a finger at me. “Afton. We’ve been coming here for years.”

“Years?” The woman asks with her gaze pinned to her phone’s screen. “Can I grab something for you to autograph?”

Joel shrugs. “Sure.”

As she takes off toward the area behind the counter, Joel turns to me. “Can you fucking believe this is happening?”

I knew it would happen one day. Joel is talented. I’m grateful that someone sees what I’ve always seen in him.

I’m also thankful that this encounter with his number one fan is diverting his attention from what happened last night.

Talking about it won’t change the fact that he interrupted Luke and me just as we were about to have sex.

Luke hung around for close to an hour last night as he ate toast and fruit with Joel while they put together a corner of the puzzle that’s on my dining room table.

I sat by the island, wishing Joel would head home.

When I finally let out a loud yawn, Joel took the hint, but unfortunately, Luke did too, and both men left at the same time.


