Best I Ever Had Read Online S.L. Scott

Categories Genre: Angst, College, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 128430 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 642(@200wpm)___ 514(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“Okay. If that’s what you want, I’m not going to object.”

I lie back down as he returns to hover over me with his erection sheathed in a condom. Sweet kisses aren’t what I want, so I say, “I want on top.”

Maneuvering, we swap positions until I’m straddling him and sliding my body against his hardness until we’re both slick. With my weight balanced on my hands pushed against his chest, he lifts his cock so I can slide down. I sink down slowly, not wanting to rush the initial connection, my eyes closing as I savor every inch of him.

We’ve been together for five months, but every time we’re together like this, it’s like the first time all over again—the stretching, a mild burn, and the fullness . . . The overwhelming feeling of how he fills me so completely. But maybe that’s also the emotions taking over.

I lift my hips and slide back down, and then again, rocking back and forth and watching how I affect him. The pinch of his brows, the lashes squeezed when it appears to be too much for him. The glory of his determination and the demise of his willpower. It’s all on display for me to see.

That line between pain and pleasure vibrates between us, each kiss and push, thrust, and pull driving us for more. “So good,” I say, taking what I need from him.

Holding my hips, he digs his fingertips into my skin, controlling them to take what he needs from me.

I lean forward and kiss him, kiss him so hard that we forget that there’s another world outside this bedroom. But as I struggle to keep up, bouncing up and down to reach our peak, he flips me over, and commands, “Turn around.”

I roll over and get to my knees, eagerness corrupting my veins. His hand slips between my thighs and lower, wedging my knees apart even farther. There’s no kindness when he thrusts into me this time. I’m thinking there might not even be love. This is raw desire, us setting ourselves on fire just to feel the heat.

I’ve never felt such madness—my body craving and my thoughts going wild.

Though I’m braced on the bed with my hands fisting the blankets, I turn and look over my shoulder just to see him again. I expect rawness to add a cold tint to his eyes, but that’s not what I find. I find love prevalent in the green like he always holds for me.

He scrapes his nails lightly up my spine as his fingers slide into the hair at the nape of my neck and then higher until he’s cupping the crown of my head. With that hand pushing my head forward and his other pressing to my belly, I start to lose myself. Closing my eyes, I let my mind rest and my body take over, meeting him thrust for thrust. My chanted name becomes a swear to the siren who taunts and a praise to the muse who inspires him.

His erratic movements push all the right buttons until I scream his name in pleasure, then he returns the favor, and we release together.

In the aftermath of our downfall, my body is spent in the most delicious ways, and I fall to the mattress. He falls on top of me, kissing my cheek. The feel of his lips caresses my shoulder before he rolls to the side but keeps a leg draped over the back of me.

The sound of our breaths mingling is all that’s heard in my ears. My neck is peppered with more sweet kisses before he collapses next to me, the weight causing the mattress to dip and the gravitational pull is too much to resist. At least, I’ll blame gravity for me smothering this man with my body.

When I open my eyes, he says, “I want us to be together.”

My smile is lazy and full of the pleasure we just experienced as one. “We just were.”

He chuckles and finds my hand to hold it. “I feel like this is déjà vu of a conversation we’ve had before.” He’s right. It is the first time we committed to be exclusive, though I was already his long before he asked me.

Then the laughter lightens and eventually subsides altogether. Lying on our stomachs facing each other, I stare into his eyes as he stares into mine, our hearts entangled as much as our bodies. “We’ve done a great job of avoiding talking about what’s going to happen after graduation.”

“Stellar job,” I say, hating that the future lies fully in the unknown. I’m a planner by nature.

“You’ve never mentioned New York to me directly, but I heard Lila ask you about it.”

I can’t answer why this was a topic I avoided with most people, specifically with him. What if my dream doesn’t come true? I just don’t want people to see me fail since it’s expected of me. “I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going. I have no money to move, so everything is based on if I get a job in the city.”


