Best Friends Tennessee (Hard Spot Saloon #1) Read Online Raleigh Ruebins

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hard Spot Saloon Series by Raleigh Ruebins

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 71651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 358(@200wpm)___ 287(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

“Finn, you’re next,” Mason said.

I lifted my eyebrow. I leaned over toward Thomas, whispering in his ear. “I think Mason secretly wants Finn’s ass, by the way.”

Thomas waggled his eyebrows at me.

“Not a chance I’m licking salt off anybody tonight, Hot Mess,” Finn said. “No thank you.”

“What about letting someone else lick it off of you, then?” Mason said.

“What’s in it for me?”

“The glory of knowing you made someone very happy?” Mason offered. His eyes glanced over at me. “Ori, take a body shot from Finn.”

Something stirred in me.

I knew Finn wouldn’t do it, but after the other night, I wanted to push him.

Just a little.

“I’d do it,” I said.

“Oh, shit!” Mason called out, his eyes going wide with excitement. “He said yes. Finn, you know you’d do it for your best friend. Get that shirt off and get on the bar.”

“You’re wild, and you know it,” Finn told Mason.

“If you let Ori lick salt from your chest, I’ll let you eat free at the diner for a week,” Danielle said, smiling. “Because that would be way too funny.”

“And I’m going to take a video of it if you two do that, by the way,” Max called out from behind the bar, where he was cutting up lime slices.

“No video, for Chrissake,” Finn said.

“Finn isn’t going to do it,” I said definitively. “He’s not really a body-shots kind of guy.”

Finn gave me a hard look for a moment, and I saw something spark behind his eyes. “Is that right, Ori?” he asked in a low tone, reaching up to his hat. He gently took it off, setting it down on the bar before reaching to shrug off his flannel.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Mason said, clapping.

“Ori doesn’t know how much fun we have around here on game night,” Finn said.

My heart beat a little faster as I watched him pull off his T-shirt, going shirtless in front of the bar.


Called my bluff.

Danielle was laughing her ass off already. “Let’s fucking go, Finn.”

A few other people around us gave little hollers as Finn cleared a space on the bar, lying back on it.

Finn would never have done anything like this back in the day. He wasn’t timid, but he also wasn’t the type to draw lots of attention to himself. Either he’d changed a lot or he was purely doing this to fuck with me.

Either way, I wasn’t backing down.

“Ready up a tequila shot and a lime, Max,” I said.

Kane came up behind the bar soon, too, after serving a big group of people on the other end.

“Finn Hardy, I never thought I’d see the fuckin’ day,” Kane said.

“Howdy,” Finn told him.

Faint pink slashes had appeared on Finn’s cheeks, and something about that was satisfying as hell.

He still felt it.

All eyes on him, and he was doing it anyway.

Max leaned in, giddy as he placed a perfect little line of salt from above Finn’s belly button up to the center of his chest.

“All right,” Max said, placing the lime slice right above the waistband of Finn’s jeans. “I’m going to pour tequila right here and hope to God it doesn’t slide out onto your friend’s six-pack, here.”

Dani, Mason, and Thomas all had big, goofy smiles on their faces now.

“You ready, Ori?” Mason asked me.

“Let’s fucking do it,” I said.

Finn’s blush deepened as I watched Max pour as much tequila as he could onto the divot of Finn’s belly button.

“Go!” Max said, and everyone around us cheered as I leaned down, licking from Finn’s chest down to his stomach. I sucked up the tequila, drinking it down before leaning over and grabbing the lime with my teeth, right from above his waistband.

“Fuck yeah, Ori,” Mason said, immediately reaching both hands up to give me a double high-five.

The tequila burned a little in my throat, and with the tartness of the lime, it felt damn good.

As I squeezed a little more lime into my mouth, it dripped down my thumb.

“Want some?” I said to Finn, offering him my thumb right near his mouth. “You could lick it off my thumb.”

I watched as his eyes widened, just briefly.

He knew exactly what I was doing.

He clicked his tongue as he hoisted himself up and over the bar again, standing up. “Oh, fuck you, Ori,” he said with a smile, shaking his head. “Where’s my hat?”

“Here you go, man,” Mason said, handing it to him. “You just got a whole lot cooler, Finn.”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” he protested. “I’ve been cool.”

“I think I like this bar,” Thomas said.

“Come on,” Mason said, tugging on Finn’s shirt the moment he put it back on again. “Come play me in some foosball outside. I’m going to kick your ass.”

“Thanks for the shot, Finn,” I told him.

“My pleasure.”

He walked off, following Mason out onto the back patio behind the bar.

I sat down on one of the barstools beside Thomas and Dani, taking a long breath. “Didn’t expect to start my evening like that.”


