Best Friends Tennessee (Hard Spot Saloon #1) Read Online Raleigh Ruebins

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hard Spot Saloon Series by Raleigh Ruebins

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 71651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 358(@200wpm)___ 287(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

When I looked at Finn now, I couldn’t stop thinking about another guy on his knees, taking Finn’s cock into his mouth.

Another guy had sucked him off.

In a million years I wouldn’t have believed Finn could do something like that.

I swallowed, looking up at him again. “Well. Thanks for telling me the part where you were sad about me leaving town, at least.”

He exhaled. “Don’t read too much into that. I was always proud of you for making it out to LA. That night was just a bad time. I was lonely.”

My head was still spinning.

I needed to get out and pound the pavement to clear my head, sooner rather than later, and if I had to look at Finn any longer I was pretty sure I’d spontaneously combust.

“I’m going to go for a run,” I said. “Want to come? Blow off some steam?”

Finn gave me a look that was half mischief, half guilt. “Well…”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to the Hard Spot again.”

He gave me a sheepish look. “I have a date tonight.”

“For fuck’s sake, Finn.”

“I know, I know.”

“Here I was feeling bad for you,” I said, “when you’ve got yourself a romantic little evening planned out already.”

“Trust me, I’d rather go on a run,” Finn said. “But I ran into Maddy Hagerson at the store earlier.”

“Wow, Maddy,” I said. “Haven’t thought about her in years. She always liked you.”

“Yeah,” Finn said, scratching the back of his head.

“All right. Have fun, Finn,” I said, already walking down the hallway to change into my workout clothes. “Like I said yesterday, if you bring her back here and fuck her, just please, God, do it quietly.”

“I’m just going to show her a good time, not have sex with her,” he protested.

Yeah, maybe you’ll find a nice, sweet gay guy to suck your cock instead.

Normally I’d have said that joke out loud.

“Have fun,” I called back to him, trying to act like I always acted toward him. I stepped into the guest room and shut the door behind me, leaning my back up against the cool wood and taking a breath.

My body was still so hot. Thinking about Finn doing anything with a guy was… well, it didn’t even feel possible.


A strange possessive streak hit me like a blast of fire the moment I was alone. I’d been Finn’s only openly gay friend through all of high school, and he’d never even let on a sliver of curiosity about anything having to do with men.

Part of me felt like I’d missed out on some key moment for him.

If I’d been in town, I could have been there. I could have heard the story right after it happened, or even been there with him that night.

He needed someone that night, and I’d been off in LA, completely certain that Finn was on his usual, predictable life track.

But another corner of my mind was being activated, too.

A bad one.

One that said this is kind of hot, actually.

Maybe the first really hot thing Finn’s ever told you.

It’s almost a turn-on.

My cock ached.

I was actually getting hard now that I was alone in the guest room, the sound of Finn’s low voice still on repeat in my mind.

Back in the day, I’d never let it affect me when he talked about his sexual escapades.

I’d always just thrown jokes back at him, playing chicken and seeing how many sexual things I could say before he burst out laughing. When we were teenagers it was one of the surefire ways to get him squirming, but he'd enjoyed it just as much as I had.

Fuck it.

Honestly, I’d probably already been at a half-chub before he made the comment, because I’d wanted to come home and jerk off before my run, anyway. He did look good in that blue sweater he was wearing. I was pretty sure I’d seen a guy wearing one like it in a video I watched last night while jerking off, right before another guy ripped it off of him and sucked him off on the rooftop of a building, and Jesus Christ, now I was picturing Finn with his cock out on top of a building and I needed to stop.

It felt like every cell in my body was on fire. From my spot up against the door I could hear Finn singing along to a country song in the kitchen, only making things worse.

The thing is, I knew Finn must be a good fuck.

I could tell from the massage videos he posted, and from the practice massages he’d given me back in the day, when we were finishing senior year and he was first toying with the idea of doing massage therapy after high school.

He was good at it. To say the least.

Finn had a natural feel for people’s bodies that was on another level.


