Before I Let Go Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 131486 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 657(@200wpm)___ 526(@250wpm)___ 438(@300wpm)

“He hasn’t mentioned it,” he returns with obvious stretched patience, “because he loves you and he doesn’t want to displease you, but he asks me almost daily.”

“Of course, because you’re the cool parent.”

“Well, I’m not the one who says no to everything because I’m too scared or too uptight to allow my kids some freedom to make their own decisions.”

“How dare you!”

I surge to my feet, unable to stay seated one more second. I need to move, let this anger circulate, or it will clog in my veins. My steps eat up the space separating us, and before I know it, I’m right in front of him, standing in the vee of his powerful legs. The air sizzles with a lightning strike, sudden and hot and dangerous. Unpredictable. I should take shelter, but I don’t step back.

His expression remains inscrutable, the stark beauty of his face unaffected, but his breathing deepens. In response, my breasts rise and fall with the struggle to draw breath as the air between us thickens. This close, his presence overwhelms me and my deprived senses devour him. The way his cologne mingles with his unique male scent. The hardness of his jaw at war with the sensual curve of his mouth. The heat his big body radiates, even at rest, surrounds me.

I lick suddenly dry lips, and he tracks the movement with narrowed eyes. I feel hunted by that look, like I stepped into a trap laid by my own body, devised by my own mind. Something I thought we’d buried long ago rises, encircles us, breathing new life into a connection I thought was dead. I’ve known for months that I’m still attracted to Josiah, but right now, with his eyes darkening and his jaw flexing and his hands curling into fists, I can’t help but wonder…

Is he still attracted to me too?

“Sorry I’m late.” Our business manager, Harvey, rushes in and flops into the armchair, dropping his briefcase to the floor.

“Any chance I could get some coffee before we start?” he asks, still not looking at us and pulling a stack of papers from the open bag at his feet.

“Sure,” Josiah says. When he stands, since I haven’t moved, mere inches separate our bodies. At the heat emanating from him, my heart thrums in my chest, like it’s been caged and is ready to claw its way out. He stares down at me for a second, drawing in a sharp breath through his nose before stepping around me and leaving the office in long strides. The air collapses in my lungs, and I clutch the arm of the sofa for support. My mind is spinning, a centrifuge sorting all the emotions those brief seconds stirred.

Anger. Confusion. Exhilaration.


“What’d I interrupt?” Harvey asks, not looking up from the papers splayed on the coffee table.

“Huh?” I ask dumbly, sitting on one end of the sofa. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been working with you two for over a decade. By now, I can probably tell who had the last word just by looking at you.”

“We’re fine.” I rub my hand over the back of my neck, massaging the new tension there.

Harvey levels a doubtful look at me, but before he can ask more questions I have no reasonable answers to, Josiah returns with a cup of coffee.

“Black, right?” he asks.

“Bless you.” Harvey accepts the cup, taking a deep swallow and closing his eyes. “I missed my coffee this morning and the headache has already started. This hits the spot.”

“Good.” Josiah drags his gaze from the armchair Harvey took to the sofa where I sit. Obviously he has no choice but to join me. Still, he hesitates before taking the other end, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

“First,” Harvey says after another long, caffeinated gulp. “I gotta say, it’s truly admirable how you guys have managed this transition. Not many couples stay in business together after divorce.”

Neither of us replies, but when I steal a glance at Josiah, he’s staring straight ahead, his expression blank.

He checks his watch. “Can we get into this so I can attend the staff meeting before we open for lunch? We’re already starting late.”

“Sure.” Harvey’s brows lift, but he doesn’t seem offended by Josiah’s abruptness. By now he knows Josiah is always business first.

Harvey sets the coffee mug down on the table. “I’d like to revisit the discussion about the Charlotte expansion.”

Josiah and I both greet this comment with silence. Right before Byrd passed away, business was booming so much we’d dreamed of expanding to another location in Georgia, or even a hot city in another state.

“Before we get into this,” I say, studiously avoiding Josiah’s gaze. “When we first started talking about expanding, I was the main one pushing for it, but a lot has changed. Si, I know you saved this place when I…couldn’t be here. If you don’t think we should expand now, I’ll defer.”


