Because I Want You – Sin & Deceit Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96129 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 385(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)



I didn’t get past the point of being tipsy often because I didn’t trust anyone, but last night after dinner, Emma came up with a tequila-shot-taking contest, and I went way beyond my limit. So beyond my limit that I didn’t remember half of the night. Or going upstairs. Or changing into my pajamas and going to sleep. I woke up with a groan, opening my eyes and turning to find Dom lying beside me.

“You know it’s very creepy to watch someone without their knowledge, right?” I cleared my throat.

“So I’ve heard.” He reached over and moved my hair out of my face. “I just woke up though, so I haven’t been watching you very long.”

“What time is it?”

“No idea.” He sat up in bed and stretched.

I was itching to reach out and touch every single muscle on his body, but instead, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I loved bathrooms like these, with two sinks and a separate area to use the toilet. I found Dom brushing his teeth as I was leaving the little toilet room and walked over to wash my hands and do the same in the sink next to him. It wasn’t the first time we’d done this, but again, the familiarity of it struck me, the way I didn’t want to ever not have this peaceful moment in the mornings with him. That was the thought that finally sent me over the edge. I finished rinsing and left the bathroom in a hurry, unable to look Dom in the eye. All of the emotion that threatened to spill out at the dinner table came back to me.

It started with one tear, then two, and soon I was sitting on the little bench against the window that had a view of the front yard, silently crying. I wiped my face as fast as I could, not letting any tears reach past the tip of my nose. I didn’t want him to see me like this and ask, because then I’d have to tell him what I was feeling, and saying it aloud would make it more real than it already was. I felt him come up behind me, closed my eyes tight when he wrapped his arms around me, and set his chin on my head.

“What’s going on, baby?”

“It’s stupid.” My throat hurt when I tried to keep the sob in, so I let it out, my shoulders shaking, but his arms didn’t shake, didn’t move. He shifted so that he could sit down behind me. I was grateful for that. He wasn’t making me look at him while I cried.

“Tell me.”

“I don’t think I can do this.” I wiped my cheeks. “I can’t be with you.”

His arms tightened. “Don’t say that.”

“I can’t, Dom.” I moved out of his arms, sat on my knees, and turned to face him. I searched his eyes, hating the pain I saw in them. “I can’t go through it again.”

“We’re not going to go through it again.” He brought a hand up and wiped my cheeks with his thumbs. “Hey.” He waited until I breathed deeply and calmed down. “We won’t.”

“How do you know?” I blinked. He caught more tears with his thumbs. “Doesn’t it feel the same? All of us at that table laughing and sharing a meal? It feels exactly the same, Dom. Same shit, different generation. The only difference is that in this case, we’re our parents.”

“It’s not the same, Roselyn.”

I blinked at his tone and brought my hands up to grab his and take them away from my face. I meant to let them go, but instead, he held my hands between us.

He pinned me with his gaze. “Can’t you just trust me?”

“I do trust you. This isn’t about trust.”

He sighed heavily, turning to look out the window. When his eyes returned to mine, he looked determined. He brought his hands back up to my face and pulled me into a kiss. It was hard, his tongue lashing against mine as if punishing me for the things I’d just said. It lit something up inside me and I started undressing him fast, my nails clawing against his skin. He hissed and pulled back when I ran them down his shoulder blades. He looked at me. The gleam in his eyes held a promise that made me shiver. He stood, taking me with him back to the bed. He tossed me onto it, pulling down my shorts, opening my button-down pajamas with such force that the buttons flew across the hardwood floors. He pulled my legs apart roughly and pulled me to him, my pussy hitting his dick, the black boxer briefs he wore barely containing it. He bit down on his lip as he looked down at me, an unreadable expression in his eyes.


