Because I Want You – Sin & Deceit Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96129 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 385(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“You like that?” He took his tongue off me and pulled back slightly.

I nodded feverishly; my fists clenched painfully on the bed on either side of me because I didn’t know what to do with them in this instance. He searched my face for a moment. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for or waiting for, but whatever it was, he must have found it, because he dipped his head again and this time, took my clit into his mouth. My legs shook harder. No way. There was no fucking way he was going to make me come and this quickly. I shut my eyes as his mouth worked on me, sucking my clit, licking me everywhere, his hands moving from my inner thighs to my ass and holding me slightly off the bed as he did so.

The term “eat me out” was tossed around frequently, but that wasn’t what Dominic did. Dominic feasted. My orgasm started at the tip of my toes and rushed through the entirety of my body until I felt it burst. I screamed something. I didn’t even know what I was saying at that point, as I shook uncontrollably. He slowed down, licking me lightly, nipping and licking the insides of my thighs as he set me back down on the mattress. I kept my eyes screwed shut for another moment before opening them. He was rolling a condom onto himself. I felt his eyes on my face as I watched his hands move. I bit my lip, felt my breathing grow heavy in anticipation. He leaned down and I braced myself, but instead of thrusting inside me, he set a kiss on my mound, grabbed both my legs, and flipped me around. He slapped my ass, a little more gently than he had in the bathroom, and I growled my disapproval. He chuckled, then slapped the other cheek.

“Ass up, baby.” He grabbed my hips when I didn’t comply right away and kept his hands on them, even as I did as I was told, pushing my ass up and planting my hands on the comforter. His hands left my hips and moved over the backs of my thighs. He spread my legs a little more and went back to rubbing my ass cheeks with his rough hands. I glanced over my shoulder and watched as he leaned down and bit my right cheek. I gasped, moving forward, but he gripped my hips again and stopped me.

His eyes met mine. “Don’t fucking move.”

“Do something.” I tried to push myself toward him, but he gripped harder. I groaned. “Please, Dominic.”

His mouth spread into a grin, an evil smile, and I felt it all over my body. I looked back down at the white comforter beneath me because I didn’t want to look him in the eye any longer. I couldn’t. He moved slowly. I felt the head of his cock first, then inch by inch he stretched me. He groaned deeply once he was at the hilt, and I felt like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of my body. He stayed that way for a moment, an eternity, without moving. His grip loosened on my hips. I pushed back then, wanting more, needing more.

“I told you not to fucking move.” Dominic hissed, his grip tightening again.

“I can’t. I can’t. I need more. I need – “

Before I finished the sentence, he started to fuck me. His movements were no longer slow or gentle. He fucked me like he was trying to exorcise something out of me, like he wanted to touch each one of my organs, like he’d been waiting to do it his whole life. He slowed his thrusts and brought his mouth to my back, kissing the length of my spine. I rolled my neck forward, my hair spilling onto the bed between my arms. His arm came around to my front, his fingers teasing my clit and he thrust in and out of me. I threw my head back with a moan when he bit my shoulder, and his mouth came up to my ear, licking.

“I’ve been dreaming about this pussy more times than I can count,” he said, voice strained. I shuddered, legs starting to shake. “I’ve dreamed about my cock inside it just like this.” He thrust hard as if to show me. “About licking and sucking and playing with this clit.” He pinched me there. I groaned, my legs shaking even harder. “Have you dreamed of this, baby? Have you thought about my cock inside you?”

I nodded. There was no use in denying it.

“Tell me.” Another thrust.

“Yes.” I gasped. “Fuck, Dominic.”

“That’s right, baby. Dominic is fucking you.” He bit the shell of my ear. “How do I measure up to my brother? I bet he’s all sweet and quiet when he takes you.” Another lick.


