Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)
Marcy leaned his head to the side. “Friends?”
“Yes. They helped me with something.”
My bottom lip quivered. “Marcy, move and let me talk to Banks.”
Duck snickered behind him. “Marcy?! I like that.”
A red tint of rage covered Marcy’s face. He continued to face me. “If you ever call me that, Duck, I will do more than pluck your feathers!”
“But Marcy is so pretty.” Duck snickered. “It goes with your pretty little locks.”
A couple of Lei’s men chuckled.
I widened my eyes. “Duck, stop.”
Was he forgetting that he had a damn gun right in his face?
Marcy spoke through clenched teeth, “Moni, I need to know how you got involved with the Four Aces?”
I blinked. “The four who?”
He gestured to all the men in blue. “The Four Aces.”
Umm. . .
“Where is Chanel’s dead body?” Marcelo frowned. “Have you seen it?”
“Excuse me?” I stepped back in horror. “Why would I have seen her dead body?”
“Lei stole it from the funeral home.”
I gasped. “No.”
Marcy nodded. “Yes.”
“No.” I shook my head. “I’m telling you that can’t be—”
“Lei has her body somewhere.”
Dear God. Please say that isn’t true.
Banks yelled out, “And why was Leo squatting in your apartment last night?!”
Duck’s voice grew shaky. “What did you say?”
Several of the men in blue exchanged glances.
I let out a long breath. “I will explain everything as soon as you let me go over to Banks and he puts the gun down.”
Scowling, Marcy stepped to the side.
Shivering, I rushed to them. “Banks, please. You’re scaring me.”
Banks kept his gun’s tip on Duck’s cheek. “I’m not putting this down, unless I put a bullet in this smart mouth’s head.”
Duck curved his lips into a huge smile. “You think you’re brave enough to pull the trigger.”
“Duck, you’ve seen my work in the streets. Don’t get cute.”
“Me being cute? No.” Duck winked at Banks. “Only cutey in this lobby is Marcy.”
I could feel the tension in the air, getting heavier and heavier. My hands shook, not ready to see more blood and violence.
“B-banks.” My heart raced faster with each passing second. Scared as hell, I stepped forward and placed my shaking hand on Banks’ arm. “P-please. Put the gun down.”
He didn’t turn my way. “How did you link up with the Four Aces?”
“They kind of saved me from a situation.”
“What situation?”
“These two guys—Dutch and Snow—was trying to make me, Jo, and the girls be hookers for them to pay off daddy’s debt and—”
“What?!” Banks’s eyes flashed with all-encompassing rage. The gun shook against Duck’s face. “Why didn’t you call me?!”
I trembled. “Because I didn’t know you were Mr. Put-A-Gun-In-Someone’s Face, and I didn’t want to get you involved—”
The line of Bank’s jaw twitched. “That’s why the girls are at my house?”
“Yes, but the whole situation is done now, and I can explain it all if you just put the gun down and go outside to talk about this with me.” I moved my hand and stepped back.
“Good old Duck. You got off lucky, bitch.” Banks moved the gun away from Duck’s cheek.
All the tension in my body washed away.
Thank God.
But, in the split second that Banks’ gun began to lower, Duck was already in motion. His hand, swift as a striking snake, connected with the gun, and sent the weapon skittering across the polished marble floor.
A high-pitched shriek tore from my throat.
Everybody stood there in utter shock.
The gun’s clatter echoed eerily in the quiet.
Then, Duck’s heated growl filled the space next. “Don’t you ever point a gun in my face!”
“Oh no. No.” I shook my head, knowing my cousin’s temper and not wanting Banks to let it out. “Wait a minute, Duck. Everything is good now.”
Ignoring me, Duck lunged forward, arm extending in an attempt to seize Banks.
Banks, however, was ready. His body twisted in a lightning-fast motion, dodging Duck’s grasp as his fist drove hard into Duck’s midsection.
I gasped as Duck reeled backward. Surprise etched sharp lines onto his face. But the man was relentless, shaking off the hit as if it were nothing more than an annoying fly.
Men in blue began to move forward.
Those in green pointed guns their way.
“Okay. Okay.” I waved my hands. “Now everyone is good. You all are even. Let’s sit down so I can explain everything—”
“Marcelo, take Moni to the car!” Banks pulled out a pocket knife and flipped it open. The blade gleamed in the lobby’s lightning.
“Wait. Put that up, Banks.” I hurried back, putting more space between me and them. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
“She sure isn’t.” Duck got in a fighting stance. “Come on, Banks. We can dance, and then I will twirl around with Marcy next.”
“I’m done with you.” Banks tried to stab Duck.
I shrieked again.
Duck sidestepped with fluid grace, his fist flying to Bank’s face. The sickening crunch of bone meeting bone echoed throughout the lobby.
But my cousin had a strong jaw.
He merely shook his head, clearing the stars from his vision, and retaliated with a hard punch to Duck’s gut.