Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)
He exchanged glances with another man. Then, he handed me back the dagger and studied the gun. “You’re a gangster?”
“I’m not.”
“Yet, this is a really nice gun. Chinese engravings.” He took the safety off, checked the bullets, and then closed it back. “Perhaps, this will be what I kill you with.”
“What?” My heart seized in my chest.
“Alright.” Another Chinese man stepped up to me in a dark blue suit, white shirt, and blue tie. He had a neat, short haircut. That odd silver collar was around his neck too. He extended his hand as if to shake mine. “I’m sorry about this. Hello, my name is Chen.”
Remembering what Song did in the alley with our handshake, I backed up and raised my hands like they were the cops. “Nice to meet you, Chen, but I swear this has to be a misunderstanding.”
“For your sake, I hope so.” Chen placed his hands in his pockets. “Do you know Leo?”
My stomach twisted. “Well. . .yes.”
Mr. Dangerous Trench Coat pointed the gun my way. “Where is he now?!”
My nerves flared. I heard a door open. “I-I don’t know where Leo is.”
Not happy, Mr. Trench Coat rushed for me.
Chen got between us. “As you can see, my cousin, Lei isn’t in the best mood right now.”
“I’ll tell you both anything you want.” I stepped back and lowered my hands. “Just don’t hurt me.”
“Excellent.” Chen smiled. “You seem very logical.”
“Super logical.”
“Did you hear that, Lei?” Chen moved to the side. “She’s super logical. Perhaps, you should calm down.”
Yeah. Listen to Chen. He’s making sense.
Lei handed another man the gun.
An army of footsteps sounded behind me. I checked. It must’ve been twenty Asian men in blue marching forward and carrying guns.
Jesus Christ!
This clearly was why Leo and the monks rushed out of the restaurant.
Damn, Leo. You could have warned a sister.
I cleared my throat. “I’m not sure what’s going on here. I just came to pray for Leo’s sins.”
“Then, you’re wasting your prayers.” Lei stalked my way. “Leo is definitely going to hell.”
I gulped down fear. “He. . .asked me to do it.”
Lei stopped right in front of me. “Why?”
“It was a trade for him helping me.”
Looking impatient, Lei spoke through clenched teeth, “What help did you need?”
“M-my father took a lot of money from some bad guys and Leo gave me the money and some. . .um. . .buns and we ate them in a garden with birds and a koi pond. . .And then all of these circles opened up in the walls and he told me to go left and he and his monks went right—”
“What is this?!” The priest from earlier came from some door in the back and stomped toward us with a Bible in his hand. “This is the house of God. You will not bring violence to this sacred space—”
“Shut up,” Lei growled at him, yet kept his view to me. “Finish talking.”
Not backing down, the priest got close to Lei and raised his Bible in the air. “Get thee back, Satan! For it is written. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only—”
Lei slapped the shit out of him. So hard, the priest fell back and then crashed to the ground. So hard, the slap echoed up to the high ceilings. So hard, that I touched my own face and swore I felt the pain too.
Man. . .I need to get the hell out of here.
Sitting on the floor, the priest stared up at Lei in shock.
The Bible dropped from his hand.
Lei glared back at me. “How long have you known Leo?”
“T-today. I met him today.”
I cleared my throat and focused. “I was walking in front of Buddha Park in Chinatown. He was sitting under a tree meditating. He stopped me with these guys in blue monk robes—”
“How many were with him?”
“Umm.” I thought back to earlier today. “At least four or five monks along with Song.”
Lei’s angry face cracked. “Song?”
Chen stepped closer. “The man told you his name was Song or you heard Leo say the name?”
“Song told me his name.”
For some reason, Lei and Chen exchanged looks.
What’s going on? Song doesn’t usually tell people his name or something? Somebody fill me in. Is that important? Am I helping so you’ll let me go?
The silver and black-haired guy was still by the altar. He picked up the briefcase and carried it over. “This must be the money. It looks like it belongs to Huang.”
They’re going to take the money.
Sadness poured over me.
Now. . .I’m back to square one.
Chen took the briefcase and opened it. “How much did Leo give you?”
“$75,000.” I sank into gloom. “I was supposed to pray for Leo’s sins and then go give the money to Dutch and Snow.”
“Interesting.” Chen shut the briefcase, carried it over, and handed it to me. “Then, what were you going to do after you gave them the money?”