Basilisk (Mystic Guardians #1) Read Online Rinda Elliott

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Novella, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Mystic Guardians Series by Rinda Elliott

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 43080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 215(@200wpm)___ 172(@250wpm)___ 144(@300wpm)

But something was…off.

It reminded him of the hallucinations that had turned him into a shut-in to begin with, the sense that some things in the world weren’t quite normal. The fear that those things could hurt, even kill him. But that wasn’t what he was getting from Bain. Not entirely.

No, it was more of a stirring in his body, one he wasn’t familiar with. While Clive enjoyed sex, he’d never understood why some people were obsessed with it. He’d certainly never felt anything close to the fireworks he’d read about in books.

He had a feeling that sex would be different with this man.

That Bain would actually spend time enjoying his body. That he’d explore and kiss and stroke those long-fingered hands everywhere. Heat speared so hard through him he had to hold back a gasp. He actually felt his cock stirring.

He couldn’t believe what he was thinking. Shaking his head to clear it, he made sure he had his phone and wallet and stepped out. As they walked down the hall, he couldn’t help but notice the way Bain moved. Almost like he was made of liquid. Sinuous, graceful strides with those long legs, arms swaying in an almost hypnotic fashion. And even with the dark glasses covering his eyes, Clive could tell he was highly alert, watching for any sense of danger.

It instantly set him at ease.

“Did you drive here?” Bain asked. He held up a hand to stop Clive and looked around the corner.

“No. I wasn’t able to grab my keys last night. I ended up walking a long ways before I called a car that took me to the hotel.”

Bain looked right and left at the people on the sidewalk as they left the hotel. “Xavier told me everything. So you think one of your new clients isn’t happy about you being their bookkeeper? If so, why send you the files to begin with?”

“I’m not a bookkeeper. I’m an accountant. And you’re right. It doesn’t make sense. I just need a good, solid chunk of time to dig into my files. Whoever this is, they won’t get away with it. I’ll make sure of that.”

Bain turned his head toward Clive, studying him, and Clive wished again that he’d lose the glasses. It would be nice to see what he was thinking, but also a part of Clive wanted to know the color of his eyes. He had pale skin along with that silver hair, and for some reason, Clive thought he’d have dark eyes. Or possibly a bright green—like emeralds.

Bain led him to a gray sedan and opened the passenger door. Clive settled in and attached his seatbelt, his heart beating hard. When Bain folded his long frame behind the wheel, he turned to him. “Are you sure we should go there? To my house, I mean. Someone was in there. Inside my home.”

One silver eyebrow went up. “Would you rather not? Protective Solutions has multiple safe houses, and it would be easy to set you up in one of those. They’re nice, too. Very comfortable and private. But I was told going home was what you wanted.”

“It is. I’m much more comfortable in my own environment. I guess I’m second-guessing that right now. Last night, I was more scared than I’ve ever been in my life.” He looked down at his hands in his lap. “But I don’t…do well away from my home. Plus, I still have to work. I have clients depending on me.” He paused. “And of course, I want to figure out which of my new clients is a damn weasel.”

Bain’s mouth quirked in amusement. “A weasel, huh? Okay, then we’ll get you back where you feel comfortable. I promise you, I’m very good at my job. I’ll keep you safe.”

Though Clive had just met Bain, he somehow knew that was true. That this man would do everything in his power to protect him.

Chapter Four


This human was absolutely adorable. He was built slight and had the sweetest face Bain had ever seen. Sexy, pouty lips, wide, light blue eyes, and a small nose. His cheeks and nose were dusted with a smattering of freckles. His short, dark hair had some curl to it, making Bain want to touch those soft waves. His hair wasn’t black exactly, but a shade of dark brown with a hint of red that made it shimmer in the sunlight.

Clive raised every protective instinct Bain had.

Bain immediately wanted to make sure nothing ever hurt the man. But he also felt a strange pull toward him, almost like he knew him from somewhere. He didn’t, had never seen him before, but something about him felt weirdly familiar.

Plus, Bain had felt something more than just protectiveness. Something he easily recognized. Attraction. A strong one.

And Clive’s returning attraction had been just as obvious as his shock over it had been. Bain was used to humans finding his androgynous looks appealing, but knowing this particular one found him attractive gave him a surprisingly warm feeling in his chest. He glanced at him often as he drove, and nearly every time, those pretty cornflower blues were locked on Bain.


