Barbarian’s Taming – Ice Planet Barbarians Read Online Ruby Dixon

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 75388 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 377(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 251(@300wpm)

There are a few tribesmates out in the snow near the front entrance to the caves. I raise a hand in greeting as I pass Teef-nee and Salukh. They are digging new rows of holes in their strange fascination with growing things. Hemalo and Kashrem have their skins spread out on the snow, scraping away as they converse. Sessah and Farli play with her pet dvisti a short distance away. Nearby, I see Bek at the front entrance of the cave, taking morning guard duty.

I narrow my eyes at the sight of him.

Even though Bek was not named by Mah-dee as one of her suitors, I am wary of him. He has shown interest in the humans before. I head toward him, cutting through the snow. Farli sees me and waves, then races after her pet as it scampers away. The others do not pay attention. Good.

Bek nods at me, eyeing the carcass over my shoulders. “Good kill. Lots of meat on that one.”

“I am a good hunter.”

He shrugs, leaning against the cave wall. His arms are crossed over his chest, and he idly scans the grounds, watching over all. When I do not leave, he turns back to me, a frown on his face. “What?”

I lift my chin at him. “A better hunter than you.”

His eyes narrow at my challenge, but he does not move. His tail flicks, an outward sign of his annoyance at my words. “You have been out in the snows too long. It has addled your mind.”

“I am the best hunter of the unmated males,” I continue. “The most worthy of a mate.”

Bek snorts. “Is that why you approach me? You think I chase after the angry, yellow-maned one?” He shakes his head and gazes off into the distance. “I am done with humans. She is all yours.”

His bitter answer pleases me. I grunt acknowledgment and pass him, heading into the cave. Bek has been warned. Now I must let the others know of my intentions: Taushen, Vaza, Harrec, even quiet Warrek, if I must. The elders—save Vaza—have not shown much interest in the human females, but I will ask around. If they must be chased away from my Mah-dee, then I will snarl at them as well.

I enter the cave and wait a moment for my eyes to adjust. The central fire burns bright despite it being early morning. A few of the humans frolic in the waters of the spring with their kits, and I see their mates talking nearby. Stay-see is by the fire, and as I watch, her mate kisses her cheek and then lopes off, heading deeper into the cave. Vektal and his mate, Shorshie, sit with Li-lah near the fire, and off to the far side of the bathing pool, Kemli is talking to Claire and Jo-see, gesturing at their bellies and laughing. A few others move in and out, busy with tasks. It is a good morning, and the cave is bustling with people.

Too many people. I do not see Mah-dee.

Sevvah and Aehako approach as they see me enter. “So much meat!” Aehako exclaims, rubbing his hands together. “You spoil us, Hassen.”

I fling the kill onto the ground before them. “I do my duty. Have you seen Taushen and the other hunters?” It is early enough that I should be able to catch them before they go out on the trails. I need to find them to warn them away from my female.

“Taushen and Harrec are getting arrowheads from my mate,” Sevvah tells me. “Do you need more, too?” She gets out her butchering knife and eyes the kill, then gestures at the legs. “Grab it by that end, Aehako. We will need to smoke a good deal of this before it goes bad. Warrek brought in two quill-beasts at first light, and we have too much fresh meat.”

I grunt. It is a slight admonishment. When the weather is good, we bring back smaller kills and cache the larger ones for the brutal season. I am showing off by bringing in such a large kill, and wise, motherly Sevvah knows it. I touch her shoulder. “My thanks for taking this on.”

“We will make good use of the meat.” Her eyes are bright with amusement. “Should I be worried for Taushen and Harrec?”

“I will set them straight.”

“Oho,” Aehako says with a grin, kneeling by the dvisti and hefting it into his arms. “I would like to be there to see that.”

“Hush,” Sevvah says, batting at his arm. “Tell your sweet Kira we need her help with this meat.”

He grins at her and drags it away, over to one of the rocky, jutting shelves along the wall of the cave set aside for the messier tasks.

Sevvah just gives me a curious look and then follows him away. She will not stop me, even though it is clear she has guessed my motives. I do not care. Let the others wonder. It will not matter. I just need a bit of time to convince both Vektal and my Mah-dee that she belongs with me.


