Ashes Read online Suzanne Wright (The Dark in You #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 560(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

“Not in physical danger,” it allowed. “But the child needs you relaxed, not stressed. Luckily, it is sleeping.”

Harper tilted her head. “How do you know that?” Demons could touch each other’s minds, sure, and they could even pick up surface vibes of emotion, but that was all. Even anchor bonds weren’t invasive – it wasn’t possible to sense emotions, pick up private thoughts, or know if the other was sleeping… yet the demon before her claimed to know something it not only shouldn’t, but that she didn’t know.

“I know plenty,” it told her. “Be more alert and cautious, little sphinx. The child will not respond well to you hurting.”

Harper’s stomach dropped. “What does that mean?” Because it sounded like a warning.

“It is best that you have no cause to find out.” It skimmed its thumb along her jaw. “I don’t like the smell of your fear.”

“I don’t fear you.” But his words… yeah, they were freaking her out.

Its black eyes softened ever so slightly. “No, you don’t.” It kissed her hard and long, hand clasping her nape possessively. Finally, it retreated. She swallowed as she looked up at Knox. “What did it mean, Knox?”

Hearing the tremble in her voice, he pulled her close and kissed her hair. “Ssh.”

She grabbed his arms. “What did it mean?”

Knox’s jaw clenched. “It’s not sharing the answer with me.”

Confused, she shook her head. “Why would it keep things from you?”

“It thinks that we’re not ready to know.”

Harper’s breath caught in her throat, and her demon felt the urge to slap his demon seriously hard. She put a hand to her chest. “I really don’t like the sound of that.”

Knox couldn’t say he much liked the sound of it either. “The demon might simply have been trying to scare you into being more careful.”

Maybe, Harper thought. But the demon claimed not to like the smell of her fear, and she couldn’t imagine it deliberately frightening her. Still, it was the answer that made the most sense, because there was literally no fucking way that the demon should have an invasive bond with the baby. “Can we go home now?”

“Yes, we can go home.”


Knox was buttoning his shirt a few days later when Harper walked into the closet, streaks of lemon paint on her face and clothes. She looked so damn cute that he had to smile. Then he noticed she was carrying a hamper. “What’s that you have there, baby?”

“It’s a gift basket from Lou.” She held up a card that read, ‘Some stuff for Baby L.’ “I found it on the dining room table.”

It was the third gift that Lou had sent. Knox sighed. “I’m not sure there’s any way to get him to stop.”

Harper pulled out little white hats, booties, bodysuits, mittens, and sleepsuits from the basket. As she unfolded one particular bodysuit, she sighed and then turned it to face him. It read, ‘This Baby Got Back.’

His mouth quirked in spite of his annoyance. As she put down the hamper, Knox pulled her close and breathed in her scent. “I missed you.” He kissed her, licking into her mouth, enjoying her taste. He’d been in his office most of the night while Harper enjoyed a visit from Jolene, Martina, and Beck. His demon had been an absolute pain in the ass the whole time because it didn’t like not being near her.

Harper let out a little grunt and put a hand to the side of her rounded stomach. “This kid sure can kick.”

Knox smiled. “Did you think there was any chance that you and I would produce a docile baby?”

“I guess not.”

He replaced her hand with his, feeling a thud. “Personally, I think it’s protesting that you want to leave the house,” he joked. He’d hoped to visit the Sanders and McCauley without her, but he hadn’t expected her to stay behind.

Harper’s jaw set. “I’m coming with you. Deal with it, Thorne. If it makes you feel any better, the stuff I ordered for the nursery will be delivered tomorrow. That means I’ll be pretty busy over the next couple of days, so you won’t have to worry about me leaving the house.”

On the one hand, that did make him feel better. On the other hand… “I don’t want you to feel confined or suffocated.”

“So far, I don’t.”

“Good.” Looking at the streaks of paint on her face, he smiled. “You have no idea how cute you look right now.” He kissed her again, ending it with a bite to her lower lip. “Finished painting?”

“There’s a little left to do. Keenan’s agreed to finish it for me while we go visit the Sanders.” She rubbed Knox’s upper arms. “I need to take a quick shower.”

“If I wasn’t almost dressed, I’d shower with you.”

She smiled and pressed a kiss to his throat. “I won’t be long.”


