Ash (Hounds of Hellfire MC #5) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Hounds of Hellfire MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 31165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 156(@200wpm)___ 125(@250wpm)___ 104(@300wpm)

“Better order some food before I decide to eat you instead,” I growled.

Nora swallowed hard, and I winked before sitting back up and handing her a menu.

Deedee appeared out of nowhere with a bright smile and a pad of paper. “Can I get y’all any drinks?” she asked in a Southern accent.

“How about a couple of Cokes, darlin’,” I replied in my native Texan drawl.

Deedee’s cheeks turned pink, and she shook her head. “Cokes it is. What kind?”

I glanced at Nora, and she chose a soda, then I asked for the same.

Deedee nodded, then smiled at Nora. “And who is this sweet young thing?”

I slipped my arm around Nora’s waist and pulled her in close. “This is my Nora.”

“Well, ain’t she just pretty as a peach?”

“She’s definitely got beauty to spare,” I told her.

Nora’s eyes bounced back and forth between us with something between awe and confusion.

But when her gaze locked with mine, my skin buzzed from the heat in the blue depths.

“This is Deedee,” I introduced the older woman. “She’s Rock’s old lady.” My chin bobbed toward the counter where he was working on receipts.

Turning back to the sweet woman I’d known since I was a prospect, I asked, “How’s things your way?”

Deedee laughed. “Zeke’s got his tail up. But what else is new?”

I tilted my head and glanced behind her at Rock, chuckling. “He’s all hat and no cattle.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Can’t argue with that.”

“He ain’t got nothin’ to fuss over. You’re shinin’ brighter than a diamond in a goat’s ear.”

Deedee’s face reddened, and she giggled before looking at Nora. “Silver-tongued devil, ain’t he? I swear, this boy could talk a cactus into blooming.”

“I’m guessing I would agree with you if I knew what you were saying,” Nora laughed. Then she looked between us again. “I know you’re speaking English, but…”

I laughed and ignored when Deedee’s eyebrows flew up and got lost in her hairline.

For fuck’s sake, I wasn’t that grumpy.

“Deedee is from Texas,” I explained.

Nora canted her head and stared at me. “That explains her accent and interesting vernacular. What about you? That doesn’t sound fake.”

I shrugged. “Grew up in Texas. I can whip it out when I want to.”

“Interesting.” The heat was back in Nora’s eyes, and I swallowed hard.

“How about two cheeseburgers with the works?” Thankfully, her question reminded me that we weren’t alone because I’d been real damn close to losing control.

“Sounds good,” I grunted, adjusting myself under the table, hoping to make things a little more comfortable in the groin. It didn’t work. My shaft was so fucking big and hard, I wouldn’t have been surprised if my long, thick cock burst through the zipper.

Deedee sauntered off, and I tried to think about anything that didn’t involve a naked Nora.

“Not complaining, baby girl, but you gonna tell me why the long face at the French restaurant?”

Nora stiffened, then sighed. “It reminds me of my life, I guess.”

Confused, I asked, “Your life?”

“Yeah. My parents…well, I grew up wealthy. My dad is the mayor of the town where we live. I spent my life in restaurants like that. Being the perfect daughter. Wearing the right clothes. Eating the appropriate food, with the correct silver.” Her nose screwed up in disgust before she admitted, “I had a freaking ‘coming out’ party!”

I chuckled, and she threw me a death glare. “It probably sounds ridiculous to you, but⁠—”

“Actually, I was laughing because I know how you feel.”

“Pardon?” She blinked her big blue eyes, observing me with skepticism. “You had a coming out party?”

Snickering, I shook my head. “Cute, little smart-ass,” I muttered. “Nah, but my father is a Texas senator. I was born with the proverbial silver spoon in my mouth. Or silver rattle.”

One corner of my mouth lifted when she giggled.

“My parents would do just about anything to cement their ‘family values’ platform. Including having a kid.”

Nora frowned and shook her head. “I’m sure they wanted⁠—”

“Nope.” I went on to tell her about my choices and how I ended up where I was. Happy and free.

“I didn’t need more reasons to like you, Elias Prescott III.”

“My full name? That’s a surefire way to get a cherry-red ass, darlin’,” I said, adopting my smooth Texas accent again.

Nora’s cheeks turned pink, and she bit her bottom lip.

I inhaled deeply, then realized what a mistake it was when the scent of cinnamon and coffee hit my nose. “Need to get you home, baby girl,” I grunted.

Disappointment flashed on her face before she gave me a fake smile.

Taking hold of her chin, I locked eyes with her. “Ending our date is the last thing I want to do. But I don’t think you’re ready for what would happen if I took you to my house.”

Nora’s lips curved into a sweet smile, and happiness twinkled in her bright blue orbs. “Oh,” she replied softly. “I guess that makes sense.”


