Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)
“You say that like it’s a threat or something.” I grinned and twirled one long, curly strand of my hair.
“This might be beyond my capabilities,” he muttered, scrubbing a hand over his face like he was bone weary. “Not on no sleep.” He focused on me again, seeming to be trying to make a decision. Then he nodded his head once. “This cabin is yours. The only electricity is what it takes to run water. There’s no cell coverage out here either. There is a small bathroom with plumbing, but the shower is barely big enough for one person.” He turned to the side-by-side and picked up a large duffel bag. “Lyric packed some things. You should have everything you need in here to be comfortable, including several changes of clothing.”
“OK… What exactly are you expecting to happen here?”
“I expect you to do as I tell you and to open your mind up to what you have to offer the world. To find a way you can help your club and your family. I’m going to help you find your way.”
I blinked up at him. “Wow. That wasn’t rehearsed at all.”
He clenched his jaws and his fists, giving me a look that said he wanted to flay me alive. “Go to the fuckin’ cabin, Sonya. Make your bed. Set up your shit the way you want it. Walk around the fucking pond. I don’t give a fuck. But get some rest tonight and be ready to start at sunrise.”
“Fine, Mr. Cranky Pants.”
“I’ve locked the gate to this place. You can’t get out and no one can get in. It’s only the two of us until we get this done.”
I tried to look put out, but inside I was rubbing my hands together with glee. “Fine. Fine. I’ll just take my shit and go sit with my thumb up my ass.”
“I’ll have supper ready in a couple of hours. We eat and work in the shelter.” He pointed to the half-enclosed building I’d noticed before. “No matter what task you’ve been assigned, we always eat three meals a day together. Seven, noon, and five. It’s where we talk to each other and express our concerns and share our accomplishments with each other.”
“This has got to be some kind of alternate universe.” I know I was staring at Archangel like he’d grown a third eyeball, but I couldn’t help it! “What are you?”
“Curious?” He arched one dark eyebrow.
“You kind of maybe sound like you might have done this a time or three. So I want to know if you’re, like, some kind of New Age healer or shaman or something.”
“I’m a soldier who’s seen too much death and turned to philosophy. I’ve studied several different religious sects and methods of healing mental trauma through different meditative techniques. If you want to know why, you’ll have to stay and not fight me on what I’m asking of you.”
I laughed softly. “By God, you’re good. Fine. I’ll play your little game.” More because it suited me to take my time with this. Well, for the moment anyway. “I’ll be here every day. Do what you tell me to do. Mostly. And I’ll try to pick up what you put down. I’ll keep an open mind and all that shit. But you have to give me some kind of time frame. I have no intention of being stuck here indefinitely.”
“I don’t like having a time limit. Defeats the purpose.”
“And I’m not signing over my life to you until you see fit to call a halt. I’ll give you two days.”
“A week. Minimum.” His gaze was flat and cold. I’d thought I’d seen his icy exterior crack earlier, but either I was mistaken or he’d reinforced his defenses. “And I prefer two weeks.”
“Four days. I’ll reevaluate after that,” I countered.
He nodded. “Fine. Now go get settled. I’ll see you in the shelter in two hours for supper.”
I found myself exhilarated as I raced to my cabin. It was only feet from the one Archangel was using. In fact, the window next to my bed faced a window in his cabin. I thought I saw him moving around, but the sun was glaring off the glass too much.
Turning away from the window, I tossed my duffel on the twin bed shoved against the wall. Lyric had packed sheets, a comforter, towels, and washcloths, as well as clothing all the way down. She’d also included a bathing suit and flip-flops as well as assorted toiletries. The cabin was spotless and cozy, even if it was small. I found I rather liked the tiny home. I found this place to be somewhere I could live comfortably. At least until I got bored. I had a feeling the next few days promised to be anything but boring.
* * *
Two Days Later…