Always (Follow Me #6) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Follow Me Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 77016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)

Mr. Black, it’s Charles Thatcher, your doorman. I’m texting from another person’s phone. I was held at gunpoint by two men who entered your residential building, so there’s currently no security. I’ve called 911.

I gulp, my pulse racing. My stomach is twisted in knots.

Quietly I steal into the building. Look around.

Skye is off to the right, in the lobby, sitting on a leather wingback chair.

And on the couch opposite her.

Oh, God…

Peter Reardon and his father, Beau Reardon.

How are they even here? Do they know I was meeting with the Unholy Trinity?

Skye’s face is pale, but she’s holding her own. I don’t see any firearms.

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. After all, the doorman…

I swallow, gathering my courage. I’ve faced worse in my life. I’ve faced down flames.

“Your boyfriend is up to no good,” Beau says.

Fuck. They do know. They may not have my fortune, but they’ve got enough.

“If you mean he’s going to stop you people from drugging women, then I’d say he’s up to a lot of good.” Skye’s voice.

Pride swells in me. Good for her.

“Those are unfounded accusations,” Beau says.

“Interesting.” Skye again. “Your friend Garrett drugged Tessa, and I’d be willing to bet you did the same thing to Betsy, Peter.”

“More unfounded accusations,” Beau says. “Your friend has a history of drug use.”

“She’s used drugs one time.”

“The allegations against Garrett and my son are fabricated,” Beau says.

The man is ice cold. Does anything rattle him?

“Are they? Because I’m pretty sure my friend was drugged.”

“That’s what she tells you, anyway.” Again from Beau.

“I’m done talking.” Skye grabs her phone.

That’s my cue. I walk toward them, sailing past the unmanned reception desk.

I go directly to Skye, take her hand, and pull her off the chair and into the protection of my body. “Are you okay, Skye?”

She nods. “Yes.”

“And I suppose there’s a good reason why my doorman isn’t at his post?” I eye Beau and then Peter.

“He wasn’t there when we arrived,” Beau says.

“Nice try. I got a text from him after you threatened him. Knowing Skye would be home soon, I cut my meeting short.”

“Mr. Black,” Beau says, “I assure you that—”

“Stop it. Stop it right now. You thought you could get to me through Skye. You have no idea who you’re dealing with. Skye has more intelligence in her right hand than the two of you have together.”

Skye’s neck reddens. Have I embarrassed her?

“She is formidable,” Beau agrees, “but does she have this?”

Skye sucks in a breath when Beau pulls out a pistol. I go rigid as I try to examine the gun. It appears to be a Glock 17, a high-capacity semi-automatic commonly used by law enforcement. Beau holds it with a familiarity that suggests he knows what he’s doing.


My heart slams in my chest, wild and erratic. I can’t think straight, can’t breathe right—each inhale is too shallow, too fast. My hands shake as I clench them into fists, nails biting into my palms, but I don’t feel it. The world narrows, sharp and blurry at the edges.

All I see is Skye.

I need to move, do something, but my legs feel like they’re stuck in cement.

The thought of her hurt, or worse… I can’t even let myself go there. My throat tightens like a noose.

I swallow hard, forcing down the fear clawing its way up my throat, trying to stay steady. But I’m not steady. I’m not okay.

I breathe in. Cold plunge. Forced meditation.

I have to be steady. I have to be okay.

For Skye.

Breathe in. Cold plunge. Force everything else out.

I’m in control. So very in control.

“Put that away, Beau,” I say, my voice remaining steady. “You and I both know you’re not man enough to actually use it.”

I’m bluffing, of course. The man knows how to use it. I’d bet he’s fired it many times—and not just during target practice.

I keep Skye shielded behind me.

I can’t let this turn ugly.

I can’t lose Skye.

I don’t want to die, but I’ll give my life for hers in a heartbeat. Easiest decision I’ve ever made.

I don’t think.

I only move.

In a flash, I execute a roundhouse kick and send the gun flying out of Beau’s hand and sliding across the marble floor of the lobby until it stops against a wall.

Beau freezes, clearly surprised at my guts. Peter turns his head, eyes the gun.

“Don’t even think about it,” I say to Peter. “We both know you don’t have the balls.”

Peter’s face goes pale, and his eyes…

Damn. Are those tears welling in the bottom of his eyes?

“We don’t want trouble,” Beau says.

Seriously? He really just said that? All the fear, all the doubt disappears.

“You don’t?” I shake my head. “You always threaten people with a gun when you don’t want trouble? And by the way, my security has been back up since I arrived, so I’ve got you dead to rights for assault with a deadly weapon. Plus what you’ve done to Skye.”


