All the Right Moves (All The Right Moves #3) Read Online Sara Ney

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Virgin, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All The Right Moves Series by Sara Ney

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84826 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“That was painful,” I chuckle, smoothing my palms down her forearms and leaning in to plant a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Granted, it wasn’t as painful as you trying to invite me in the house.”

She pokes a finger into my solid chest. “Hey now, watch it, Mister. It’s not like I have a ton of practice inviting guys over.”

“But you’re so good at it,” I tease, and she bites down on her lower lip, dragging her teeth across it.

“Caleb?” Her voice is soft and full of hesitation.

I brush a loose hair from her brow and tuck it behind her ear. “Yeah?”

“I really like you.” The way she says it—like an exhale—all breathy, like she’s only just discovered it herself and had to blurt it out… it makes my adrenaline spike. It’s the same rush I get whenever a hockey puck is flying toward my mitt: pure exhilaration.

“That’s good, because I like you, too.”

Abby: …and then we headed to Lone Rangers

Cecelia: God I HATE that place. But that’s where Matthew and I had our first fight, remember?

Abby: Uh, yeah. That wasn’t a fight. That was foreplay.

Cecelia: Yeah. It was awesome… And tell me what you meant when you said Jenna is hooking up with Cubby? I hope you’re wrong. Definitely going to have a talk with her about her unfortunate taste in men. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Abby: Well you’re not the one who had to listen to them having sex half the night. I had the honor of suffering through that.

Cecelia: Okay, but on a positive note—your date with Caleb tonight went well???

Abby: No, it went GREAT. He’s amazing. Cece, I like him so much it scares me. I’ve never felt this way before and I have no idea what I’m doing. The good news is HE doesn’t know what he’s doing. Basically we’re a hot mess.

Cecelia: Do you think he feels the same way about you?

Abby: Yes, I think so. Yes.

Cecelia: Then stop overthinking everything. What did I tell you before? JUST GO WITH IT. Take me for example: I moved across the country after “dating” Matthew only 2 months. WHO DOES THAT?

Abby: Crazy people

Cecelia: Amend that to crazy people AND people crazy in love, and you are correct.

Abby: Love. There is that…


Abby: Oh, come on. It’s way too soon for that. But I am falling in LIKE with him. Definitely in like...

Cecelia: Before I forget. Why on earth does everyone think he’s celibate?

Abby: Best guess - because he’s not a manwhore like his friends.

Cecelia: But he put the moves on YOU, right?

Abby: I mean. If you count him grinding into me while he slept as “putting the moves on me” then yes. He put the moves on me.

Cecelia: That definitely counts. And it’s better than actual sex. Wanna know why?

Abby: Sure, why not.

Cecelia: It means he respects you.

Abby: How is that respecting me?

Cecelia: He’s not pushing you to have sex with him, but he’s still getting you, um… off?

Abby: Oh god!!! Could you NOT????

Cecelia: Sorry! Sorry. Matthew’s open attitude about sex must be rubbing off on me…



Campus is beautiful this time of year; the snow has completely melted, and with each passing day, the damp air and seasonal chill are replaced with new spring growth that begins brightening the places winter had forgotten.

Exiting the science building after my morning lab, I bend my head and pull out my phone, check my Instagram account, double-tap about five pictures, check my email and Twitter, then respond to a few text messages.

Crossing the commons area, I follow the concrete path to the edge of campus, past a few Administration buildings, and only look up when a voice calls out my name.


My cousin jogs toward me, looking like he’s just rolled out of bed, which he probably did, and I roll my eyes as he approaches. Messy mop of hair, baggy jeans, an even baggier sweatshirt and backpack lazily slung over one shoulder.

“Abby, hold up,” he says, breathing heavily when he catches up. For such a young guy, he really shouldn’t be huffing and puffing from such a short jaunt; it was only a few yards.

“You really should lay off the pot. It’s turning you into a complete Sally.” I playfully lob the insult at him while hefting my backpack to the other shoulder.

“Got a minute?” Tyler asks, hunching over and resting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Wow. He really needs to start taking better care of himself, or he’s going to drop dead by the time we graduate.

I keep this to myself.

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Just wanted to make sure we’re cool. You know, after that whole climbing-out-of-my-window thing.” He rubs his nose with the heel of his hand and my face scrunches up. Gross.


