Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 85322 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 427(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 85322 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 427(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)
This time, she didn’t run after me.
I jogged down the two flights of stairs and pushed open the door to humid freedom.
“Have a good one, Mr. T,” I said, passing the old man.
“You too, boy—you take care of those kids.”
“Always, sir.”
I was parked right up front, and I opened the back to make sure Trip and Ellie were buckled in.
Trip handed me the key back. “Ellie hoped you forgot to check the seat belt.”
“You’re such a snitch!” Ellie yelled at him.
“Hey—easy, easy.” I frowned and picked up an empty soda cup from the floor. “Be nice to each other.”
Maybe it was a good thing it was West’s week. I just wanted to go home to eat ice cream and waste the day in front of the TV.
Just when my numbness began to fade, right around the time we reached West’s street, a text from Kellan saved the day.
Fuck ice cream and TV.
Lunch at Finn and Emilia’s if you’re not busy getting railed.
I wasn’t busy getting railed. I’d never be busy getting railed ever again.
I responded once I’d pulled into West’s driveway, and I noticed his car was here. Either he’d gone into the city to pick it up already, or he’d driven it home last night.
I’ll be there.
Eric, Finn’s master tech genius guy, had told us all to be more active on our private phones. It included making plans together, using names, dropping dates and locations, and simply showcasing our family ties to whoever might be paying attention.
As a result, Kellan had started a group chat for Finn, Liam, Colm, Eric, me, and himself. So far, Colm and Eric had contributed with memes and suggestions to meet up for beer, and Finn had reminded us about church on Sunday and extended invitations to the birthday party for Ryan and Kian in a few weeks.
It was the weekend right before Trip started second grade.
“Dad, can you come in the pool with us?” Trip asked.
I wish.
“Another time, buddy.” I grabbed Ellie’s backpack as she’d already darted for the door. “You know what you can do? Start looking at backpacks. You said you wanted a new one for school, right?”
“Oh yeah! I can’t wait!” He was such an oddball.
West opened the door, and Ellie was quick as ever to jump into his arms.
He received the same ramble I had about their sleepover with Nonna and Pop-Pop.
I refocused on Trip instead, not wanting to make eye contact with West. It would kill the last of my indifference.
“A hug before you run off, please,” I said.
Trip grinned sheepishly and came in for a squeeze.
“I’ll see you on Friday,” I said and kissed the top of his head. “I love you, son.”
“Love you too.”
Ellie was next, and I picked her up and hugged her extra tight.
It made her giggle, a sound I was going to miss the next several days.
“Love you, baby girl. See you on Friday, yeah?”
“I will be there!” She popped a kiss to my cheek before squirming her way down to the ground. Then she was off, so that was my cue too.
I couldn’t spend a second alone with—
“Can I have a word, Alfie? Please.”
I clenched my jaw and came to a stop, though I didn’t really turn to face him. “Is it about the kids?”
“No, but I—”
“Then it’s way too soon.” I headed for the car and balled and unballed my fists.
Numbness, please take me away again.
“Uh-oh. You don’t look like you reconciled with your husband, hon.”
“That’d be correct.” I dipped down and kissed Emilia’s cheek, and then I entered the house. “False alarm.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. You looked so happy last night before you left.”
Yeah, well. I’d been wrong to be hopeful.
I followed Emilia toward the backyard, and I asked where the kids were. It was weirdly quiet in here.
“Autumn is out shopping with friends. The rest are upstairs,” she replied. “The loudest two are down with the sniffles, so the place is suddenly a spa retreat.”
I chuckled. Sounded like my girl. When Ellie was sick, she was surprisingly docile and quiet. All she wanted was to sleep and cuddle.
We stepped out onto the patio, where lunch was set up already. Emilia seemingly always went all out. Today, it was salad and a spread of quesadillas and taquitos with chips and guacamole at the center of the platter. Shan and Finn were seated, and Kellan was…elsewhere?
I’d already figured it would be a small gathering. Liam had an early flight back to Chicago, and Colm and Eric were working.
“Hello, Alfie.” Shan smiled.
“Hey, guys.” I plastered a polite smile on my face.
“Oi.” Finn jerked his chin at me. “How did it go last night?”
“It didn’t.” I sat down next to Emilia since Finn sat at the head of the table—and I assumed Kellan was showing up to sit next to Shan. “Where’s Kellan?”
“In the bathroom, enjoying his hangover.” Finn smirked, then scratched his eyebrow and cocked his head at me. “Why didn’t it go last night?”