A Nordic King Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Drama, Funny, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 121
Estimated words: 117920 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 590(@200wpm)___ 472(@250wpm)___ 393(@300wpm)

She continues with a laugh, though now her eyes are watering. “It’s the truth. But I saw a side of you that no one ever saw…until you met Aurora. I knew, from the moment I met her, from the moment I saw you look at her, that she had gotten under your skin. That she had seen the real you and you recognized it. It was apparent from the very start that there was something brewing, and I could only hope and pray that one of you would come to your senses. Because you, brother, are a king who has needed the right queen by his side. And she is the right queen.”

“She is,” Maja says, raising her glass.

“Well thank you,” I tell Stella, trying to keep my emotions in check and ignore the hot knot forming in my throat. I appreciate the praise, but it does make me uncomfortable. “Only a fool wouldn’t fall in love with her.” I give Aurora a squeeze.

Aurora blushes and tries to shake off the compliment. “Or perhaps only a fool would.”

“Normally I wouldn’t argue with you but I’m afraid I’ll have to make a stand.”

To be fair, when I decided I was going to pop the question during the press conference, I was wondering if I’d look like quite the fool in the end. The press conference itself was out of character for me since I’ve had such a distant relationship with the press and public and I know that not only announcing our relationship, let alone proposing to her like that, was bound to ruffle some feathers.

But, fuck it. What’s the point of sitting on a throne if you can’t ruffle some feathers every now and then? They didn’t expect it from me but maybe now in the future they will. I’m not sure what kind of king I’m turning into but perhaps Stella was right, and this is the king I’m meant to be.

There was also the huge risk that Aurora would turn me down, especially since she practically told me that in St. Croix. I know that was during a fight and things were so up in the air at that moment and emotions were flying very, very high, but it still hurt fairly deeply, it still planted a tiny seed of doubt. It was a gamble that luckily paid off.

Everything has been a gamble so far since the day I met her.

It was a gamble to pursue her, to act on my feelings.

It was a gamble to profess how I felt about her, to admit my truth.

It was an even greater gamble to open my heart the way I did and let myself free fall without a parachute, even after we came together.

I know I came on strong. I know that after months of testing her, testing myself, and then finally giving in, I went all in, to the hilt. I know that we went from zero to sixty after so much denial, making up for lost time, but that was the only way I knew how.

It was the only way I wanted, needed to love her.

With Aurora, she made forty years of loneliness disappear with the drop of a hat.

Why wouldn’t I embrace the sunshine after all that darkness?

Why wouldn’t I spend all my days with her, holding onto forever?

And now I can.

She said yes.

I’d never felt happier, more at peace, more excited about our world and the future, than I did in that moment.

The gamble paid off.

I have my queen.

“Here’s to you, Aksel,” Maja says, clearing her throat. “You’ve found your second chance, you’ve found your peace. May you always hold onto it, onto her, forever.” She then looks at Aurora with a twinkle in her eyes. “And you, Aurora. I knew right away that you needed to be in this house. I knew that you were meant for the job because I knew that you had just the right amount of spunk and beauty that could get to Aksel’s heart. I knew you wouldn’t just be a wonderful nanny to the girls, but you would shake things up, shake this king here loose, help him find his way. And that’s just what you did.”

I raise my brow, both charmed and surprised. “You were trying to play matchmaker?”

“I didn’t try, dear nephew. It worked.” She raises her chin, ever an aristocrat. “And I would like all the credit for it.”

Aurora rolls her eyes, but she’s blushing. “Since you’re going to be my aunt-in-law, you can have all the credit you want. I know whose good side I have to stay on.”

“You’re a very wise girl,” Maja says. “Welcome to the family.”

We all clink our glasses together and I hold Aurora’s deep brown eyes as she has a sip.

Welcome to the family, I think. Welcome to our brand-new life.


