A Monster’s Beauty Read online Sam Crescent (In the Arms of Monsters #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: In the Arms of Monsters Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 72156 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 361(@200wpm)___ 289(@250wpm)___ 241(@300wpm)

In a part of her brain, she was screaming, but she ignored the constant niggle of doubt and worry. Kissing Reaper was the right thing to do. He was her baby’s father, and there was no reason for her to not kiss him. It was expected.

Pulling away, he groaned. “I’ve got to go.” He stroked her cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He picked up the car seat and Robin watched him go. He lovingly placed their daughter in the car and she gave him a wave. For a few seconds, he hesitated and she blew him a kiss.

The moment he climbed in and started to reverse out of the drive, she closed and locked the door, leaning against it.

Bethany had been in their world for a couple of months now.

Leaving the door, she felt her shoulders sag. There were times when it was almost impossible to keep it all together. She walked upstairs, but she should have been doing laundry. Instead, she went right upstairs to the nursery.

She’d painted it a pastel pink and had unicorns and all girly stuff within it. Reaper had helped, but he hadn’t done anything special.

Stepping inside, she went straight to where there were some baby rompers to fold and put away. The room didn’t feel … right.

In fact, in the past couple of weeks, nothing had felt right.

Living with Reaper, she knew he hadn’t given up his club, and there was always a hint of nerves whenever she was around him.

The love she felt for him, she questioned it daily. Whenever she had a quiet moment by herself, she couldn’t help but think of Preacher. It was easier when Reaper was with her because she would always force those feelings to the back of her mind where they had no chance to shine, but all alone, it was hard.

She couldn’t help but wonder where Preacher was, what he was doing. If he’d even forgotten her.

Glancing across the room, she caught sight of her reflection. Her hair had been dyed per Reaper’s demand. This wasn’t the first time he’d forced her to change her hair. Whatever Reaper wanted, he got.

Was it because he was growing restless?

Having a baby wasn’t all he expected it to be.

She missed Preacher and now, when she was alone, she could give herself a chance to think about all that she’d lost. It was impossible at times, but she dealt with it as she had to. There was no other way for her to deal.

Her life had become little boxes. The first box was her parents. She didn’t think about them, but she could imagine her mother laughing about her predicament. When it came to love and affection, Rebecca didn’t have it, not even a little bit. She would be loving the kind of pain and indecision she was facing, but that was her mother for her, and she’d come to accept that, not needing to think more about her mother. Bear, he’d made it abundantly clear what he thought of her and what all this meant to him. She didn’t have any family left, if she even had any to begin with. Her father wanted nothing to do with her and to be frank, she didn’t want to be near a man who thought of her as nothing more than a whore.

Next, Bishop. Her love for him was gone, replaced by an anger she didn’t even know she could feel. He’d done this. His own ego had pushed her into the arms of another man, and now, she had a child. Her life was in Reaper’s hands every second of every day and she also knew the monster who had taken her could come back. Reaper wasn’t a good guy. He’d hurt her in unimaginable ways and she wasn’t a fool to think he didn’t have some way of hurting her even more.

Then of course there was Preacher. She missed him so much there were times she couldn’t think straight because of it. Reaper never mentioned him and she tried desperately not to bring up his name because it always made her hurt inside.

Once again, she was protecting the feelings of another man rather than finding her own feelings. It sucked.

She frowned as she heard the front door click open.

Who would have a key?

None of Reaper’s men came to the house. It was part of his request the club stay permanently away from the house so she could have a normal life.

After leaving the bedroom, she made it to the stairs only to scream as two men she’d never seen before ran upstairs. She ran away, trying to go to the bathroom, but they grabbed her by the hair, pulling her back and slamming her against the wall, knocking her out.


Pain exploded as Robin opened her eyes to find herself tied up, her hands bound in front of her. She looked around but the pain in her head made her want to throw up.


