A Little Easter Escapade – Rawhide Ranch Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 81930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 410(@200wpm)___ 328(@250wpm)___ 273(@300wpm)

Master Derek gestured to a pair of chairs as he stood leaning against his big desk. “Everything with your stay is all right?”

Marcus nodded enthusiastically. He shifted around on his seat, as full of energy as ever. “We’ve been in the jacuzzi this morning. I forgot how good it was. I think we need one for at home, right, Isla?”

She managed to smile and nod even though she was feeling a bit queasy now. Probably a result of not enough food. Or water. When was the last time she’d drunk any water?


“Isla? You’re very quiet. Are you all right?” Derek asked with concern.

He seemed really nice.

Even if he did like to spank.

“Oh, yes. I’m sorry.”

“She doesn’t always say much around people she doesn’t know,” Marcus explained.

“I understand, but I did want to check you were doing okay after last night.” He frowned slightly as he stared down at her hand which was resting on her lap. “Did Nurse Cain say to take the bandage off this morning?”

“Ah, no. But I got it wet accidentally when we were in the jacuzzi, so I thought it was best to come off. It’s just a scratch anyway. I didn’t need such a big bandage.”

“May I see, please?” Master Derek asked.

She immediately held out her hand.

Huh. Why had she done that without hesitation? She glanced over at Marcus in alarm. He winked at her.

“This looks a little red to me,” Master Derek said.

It did? She stared down at her hand. Shoot. It did look red.

“I am going to have to insist that you get it looked at again. I don’t want you falling ill while you’re here. We want you both to have a good time.”

“All right. Sure. Sorry.”

“It’s all right. Just ask the nurse what you can do to protect it while you’re in the jacuzzi or showering. Okay?”

“Yes. I can do that.”

He moved around the desk. “While I have you in here, I just wanted to check that you didn’t want to enroll in any of the Easter activities for Littles we have going on. I know you had a good time attending Little school while you were here last time, Marcus. I think Ivy has signed up for some.”

“Oh yeah, it was lots of fun,” Marcus said with a smile. “But we weren’t sure if we’d do any this time.”

Because of her.

She bit her lip. “Well, maybe we could do some.”

“No pressure. I just want to make sure you’re both getting the most out of your visit. This is meant to be a safe place to explore things. All right?”

“Isla is nervous. I kind of sprung this trip on her,” Marcus said. “She’s not quite ready to explore her Little side.”

Master Derek turned to look at her. There was no judgment in his face, but she couldn’t help but feel like she was being a coward.

It was just that she felt like she was floating in the ocean without an anchor. Everything was scary and big, and she felt small.

Marcus was trying his best to keep her reassured. But she also wanted him to have fun.

Maybe she shouldn’t have come.

“Of course,” Master Derek said.

Urgh, why did his reply make her feel worse? Did she want to be forced into this?


But she also felt like she needed some help.

“Have you got plans for today?” he asked.

“We thought today we might go for a swim,” Marcus said. “Do some shopping. We could tell Cullen we’re signing up for riding lessons. That will give him a heart attack.”

She shook her head at him with a smile.

“Well, if you change your mind, our big Easter egg hunt is next Friday. It’s going to be throughout all of the gardens. There will even be a visit from the Easter Bunny, I’m told. Busy time of year for him, so we’re lucky to have him.”

She could practically feel Marcus buzzing beside her. He really wanted to go to the egg hunt. She couldn’t hold him back. But what was she going to do? The truth was, she didn’t want to be apart from him. And she really wanted to take part as well. But would that mean that strangers were in charge of her? She’d heard Marcus talk about Nanny J and her paddle.

Frankly, that scared her.

She barely heard anything being said as Marcus stood, chatting animatedly.

It didn’t matter what she wanted or was unsure about. She had to make certain he got what he needed.

“Isla, let me know if you need anything during your stay,” Master Derek said.

She suddenly realized they were both standing and looking down at her. Blushing, she jumped to her feet. The room spun slightly but she thought she managed to hide her dizziness.

“I’ll escort you to the infirmary,” Master Derek said.

She opened her mouth to object, but the look on his face stopped her. Seemed he wasn’t taking no for an answer.


