A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire #2) Read Online Jennifer L. Armentrout

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Flesh and Fire Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Total pages in book: 248
Estimated words: 236909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1185(@200wpm)___ 948(@250wpm)___ 790(@300wpm)

I wasn’t used to existing like this, with my only options to pass the time sleeping, reading, or roaming around while annoying others with my presence. I wasn’t used to not having a purpose.

“Thought you were headed to your bedchamber,” Saion reminded me.

“I was.” I nibbled on my lower lip as Nyktos motioned another guard forward—one thickly muscled and fair-haired.

“Was.” Saion sighed. “Past tense. Great.”

I ignored that. “How often do they train?”

“Every day, usually for a few hours in the morning.”

“I used to train every day.”

“Congratulations,” he replied dryly.

Training was something. And I should be training, keeping my reflexes honed. There was only so much I could do alone. I looked over my shoulder at Saion, my mind racing. “Would you rather stand outside my chambers staring at a blank wall or train?”

He glanced down at me. “Is that a trick question? Of course, I’d rather be training.”

Determination seized me. “Then let’s train.”

His brows shot up. “Train. With you?”


Saion made a choked sound. “Sorry. Not going to happen.”

I frowned. “Why not?”

“Because I’d prefer not to be gutted by Nyktos, which is exactly what would happen if I raised a sword against you, training or not.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“It is what it is.”

I gaped at him. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”


“Did Nyktos give that order?”

“Not in so many words, but it’s not one that needs to be spoken aloud to be known and understood.” Saion sighed as I turned back to Nyktos and the guards. “Why do I have a feeling you’re about to do something ill-advised?”

Maybe I was, but I didn’t care. I wouldn’t spend another day wasting away in my chambers. I couldn’t. I would no longer just exist, becoming a lifeless spirit that roamed halls instead of the woods. Not when I was done living as if I had no say in my life. And hadn’t I already decided that? Spoken it? It was time to act upon those words because things had to change. Pushing the doors open wide, I walked outside.

“Knew it,” Saion muttered.

The halves of my gown fluttered around my legs as I stalked across the courtyard. Several of the guards immediately noticed me, halting as I drew closer.

Nyktos blocked a blow with the side of his sword as his head snapped in my direction. His features were all cold lines and angles.

“Hold.” He barked out the demand, and all across the field, training stopped. Guards began to bow in my direction.

“Your Highness,” I said, more politely than I had ever said two words in my entire life.

A flicker of eather appeared in his cool gray eyes, joining the wary gleam to his stare as he faced me fully. He briefly glanced at Saion and then snapped his attention back to me. “Are you taking a walk?”

Taking a walk? Like the fine Ladies of Lasania would stroll through the gardens of Wayfair? I almost laughed. “I would like to know if it’s possible for Saion to train with me.”

“Whoa.” Saion’s head whipped toward me. “I told her that wasn’t possible.”

“He’s afraid you will gut him if he does,” I continued, aware of Ector’s and Rhain’s slow approach. “Which I’m hoping is an exaggeration to hide the fact that he’s simply nervous that I will be far better with a sword than he is.”

“That is not the reason,” Saion shot back. “What you said first was the truth. I’m simply nervous that my insides will end up on my outsides.”

“Why would you be worried?” I challenged, clasping my hands together. “I doubt you will hurt me; therefore, Nyktos would have no reason to harm you.” I looked at the Primal. “Correct?”

Nyktos said nothing, but the hue of his eyes deepened.

“I wouldn’t hurt you intentionally,” Saion started, “but I am a god.”

“Congratulations,” I cut in, mimicking his earlier tone.

Saion’s eyes narrowed. “Therefore, I’m far stronger than you.”

“Strength has very little to do with skill when it comes to a sword,” I said.

“She’s actually right,” Ector chimed in.

“Ector.” Saion turned. “Can you shut the—?”

I snapped forward, grasping the hilt of one of Saion’s swords and pulling it free. Saion spun toward me, his eyes widening as Ector choked on a laugh. “I have a sword to use,” I announced, facing Nyktos and smiling up at him. “There’s a multitude of logical reasons for why I should continue my training. But since your guards are too nervous to train with me, then shouldn’t it be you?”

“Hell,” Rhain murmured.

I lifted the sword, leveling it at Nyktos’s throat. “Or are you also…nervous?”

Silence descended in the courtyard as Nyktos stared down at me. Wisps of eather began churning in eyes that had heated to quicksilver. “Nervous is the last thing I’m feeling at the moment.”

Ector cleared his throat as he eyed the packed dirt.

“Good.” I didn’t allow my mind to take what he said straight into the gutter. “Then you should lift your sword.”


