A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire #2) Read Online Jennifer L. Armentrout

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Flesh and Fire Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Total pages in book: 248
Estimated words: 236909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1185(@200wpm)___ 948(@250wpm)___ 790(@300wpm)

“That’s what I know.”

“Then what you think you know is a joke.”

“The only joke I know is the one standing before me,” I spat, my restraint snapping. “And it’s a pathetic one.”

A soft huffing sound came from Reaver. It sounded an awful lot like a laugh.

Veses drew back, her brows rising. “What did you just say?”

“Do I need to repeat myself?”

Shock rippled across her face. “How dare you speak to me with such disrespect—?”

“It’s kind of hard to speak to you with respect when you have earned no such thing, Your Highness.”

Two pink splotches appeared on her cheeks as she stepped toward me—

Reaver shot out from behind my legs, wings spread, growling. Real fear exploded in my gut. I grabbed a slender, scaled arm. He fought me. And the little cuss was strong, pulling away as he stretched his neck and opened his mouth, emitting sparks. They hit the skirt of Veses’ lilac gown, charring the gossamer fabric.

Veses reacted as fast as a Primal could. Reaver yelped as she kicked him, knocking him free of my grip. He flew back, hitting the wall next to the fireplace. Falling to the floor, he crumpled into a ball several feet from where he had stood.

“Stupid draken,” Veses sneered. “You’re lucky I didn’t kill you.”

A veil of red slipped over me. There was no time to think. It was just like when I spied the gods in the Luxe, and they’d tossed that poor babe to the ground as if it were nothing more than trash to be discarded. I reacted out of pure, vengeful fury.

And this time, Nyktos wasn’t around to stop me.

Closing the distance between us, I stretched up and plunged the dagger deep into her eye, straight through it and into her brain.

And I didn’t feel even an ounce of guilt.

Veses shrieked, jerking back so fast I didn’t have a chance to pull the dagger free. She bumped into the corner of the bed but caught herself. She didn’t fall. She didn’t go down at all, not even for one second.


Her head lifted. Blue-tinted blood poured down her cheek as she wrapped her fingers around the dagger’s hilt and pulled it free. Thick, gelatinous tissue clung to the shadowstone, turning my stomach. Eather seeped from her one good eye and into the air, spitting and crackling as she threw the dagger aside. It clanged off the floor, and orbs of shimmery energy pulsed over her hands.

“Oh, shit,” I whispered.

I didn’t see her move, but I felt the blow as it hit me in the chest. It was like a punch—if being punched by lightning was possible. A wave of pain swept over me as I flew backward, smacking into the wardrobe. My muscles were so rigid I barely felt the impact as I fell forward onto my knees. Lightning coursed through my veins and nerves. Dimly, I realized that she hadn’t actually laid a hand on me. That had been eather. Tiny starbursts danced across my vision.

“You stupid bitch.” Veses grabbed hold of my hair and threw me like I was nothing more than a pillow.

I hit the floor hard, knocking whatever air was left in my lungs out of me. I rolled until I hit the column of the bed with a grunt.

“What did you think that would accomplish?” Veses demanded. “I am a Primal.”

The floor came into focus as the waves of shocking pain eased. Something didn’t feel right inside me. Several somethings. I felt a little…loose inside as I lifted my head. Reaver…he lay where he’d landed, still curled tightly but in his mortal form. Panic rose as the embers in my chest throbbed. I rolled onto my back, wheezing as something dug into my back. A hilt. The dagger.

Veses knelt beside me. Her left eye was a bloody mess, but it was already beginning to heal. She grabbed hold of my hair again, lifting my head from the floor. Her lips twisted into a sneer. “Perhaps you and Nyktos are well suited for one another since he has a habit of doing the most illogical things. After all, he took you as his Consort. I tried to stop him. Sent my favorite draken and guard to retrieve you. And, well, we all know how that turned out—rather pointless considering you’re charmed.”

Surprise rolled through me. “It was you who sent the draken to unleash the entombed gods.”

“I had to do something before he got himself into any more trouble. Like, does he think no one realizes Taric and the others weren’t here before they disappeared?” She rolled one full and one half-formed eye. “And how convenient was that? They were looking for something in the mortal realm, and do you know what that was? I do. Life. They were looking for life. And they followed it right to Death’s home. Where you are. Does he really think no one will figure that out?” She raised her brows. “I thought I’d get lucky, and Kolis would deny the coronation before Nyktos realized it was me. But…males. You can always count on them to do one thing. Make the wrong choices. So, here I am. Trying to help Nyktos, and him being pissed at me for it. But you know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished.”


