A Different Kind of Love Read Online Nicola Haken

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden, M-M Romance, Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 121
Estimated words: 116999 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 585(@200wpm)___ 468(@250wpm)___ 390(@300wpm)

On a positive note, the internalised angst may have enriched my performance on set today because I received an unusually high level of praise from Jerome, our perpetually disgruntled AD. I should be on a high about that, only I’m heading back to base, where William will be, and where I will see him for the first time since watching him drive away with the family I can’t compete with, and all I feel is nausea.

As I walk, I throw up waves to the people who’ve gathered outside the cordons, itching to sneak a peek at the movie stars who’ve set up camp in their city. Some of them call my name. Others snap photos with their phones. Unless we’re somewhere remote, like out in the woods or up some random mountain, it’s always like this on location. Usually, I take the time to head over if there’s a lull between takes. Say hi. Sign things. Pose for a few selfies. Not today, though. Today, I need to see William. Even if I can’t touch him. Not yet.

I find him at base, which has been set up at the Mound Precinct, talking to the gaffer. “We’ve got maybe two hours of natural light left,” I overhear him say.

“More than enough,” says Nate, scratching his chin. “Let me go over it with Jerome. See what he wants to do.”

William catches my eye as Nate walks away. His lips curl into a smile. I lose a little more of myself to him.

“Hey,” he says. Simple. Formal. Workplace appropriate. “I hear you’ve finished for the day.”

I look left and right, scanning for ears before I say quietly, “I haven’t even started yet.”

With one deep, shuddered inhale…he melts all my fears away. He still wants me. This. Us. “Is that so?”

I raise an eyebrow, say, “I’m in the penthouse at the Grantham,” and walk away knowing I’ll see him, feel him, very soon.

Soon turns out to be six hours. That’s how long it takes William to finish work, shower and change at his hotel, and travel to mine. The evening begins much like our time down in Suffolk. Not much talking, lots of kissing, all leading to William’s dick in my mouth. The difference is we end up in bed…just like he promised. For the first time, I get to experience him as a real lover. A genuine partner. Somehow, with me being the more experienced of the two of us, I’d always envisaged this moment differently. With my arm around him. His guide. His protector.

Yet my head rests peacefully in the crook of his shoulder, one leg draped over his thighs, while his hand smooths up and down my back, and it feels…incredible. It doesn’t matter that I haven’t orgasmed yet tonight, because even that can’t top this. It appears William isn’t the only one of us experiencing ‘firsts’ in this relationship, because this sensation, these emotions are completely alien to me. Alien, but wonderful. Intense. Addictive.

“How does it feel?” I ask, tracing the muscles of his chest with the pad of my finger. He’s not a bulky man, but toned. Fit. Kept trim by the fact he’s never off his feet. “Lying here with me.”

I watch my hand rise on top of his chest, lower again with his sigh. “Does magnificent sound cheesy?”

It sounds perfect. “A little,” I tease. “But I guess that makes me cheesy, too. You make me want to hold your hand crossing the road. Wipe sauce from the corner of your lips with my finger in a restaurant. Dance with you in the street. No music. Just us. Laughing. Kissing.”

William’s shoulders tense under my head. “Laurence, I…”

“No, I know we can’t,” I say. Because you’re married. I don’t add that, fearing it’ll sound as bitter aloud as it did in my head. “My point is no one’s ever made me want to before.”

Not since Cain.

“I’ve kept my personal life on the downlow because I couldnae be arsed dealing with the publicity of it. You can screen interview questions, but you cannae screen people on the street. But you…I feel like I could talk about you all day. I wish everyone could know how I feel about you. So…is that cheesy?”

He exhales a chuckle that fades into another sigh. “A little,” he says, before pulling me in tighter.

I hitch my leg up a tad further. My knee grazes his cock, making me grin into his flesh. “Already?” I say, rubbing at his erection with my leg.

His fingers walk up my back, find my hair, and pull my head to face him. He bends to kiss my lips, and blood pools in my dick, making me moan into his mouth. Fuck. This man is going to kill me.

After gifting William the argyle jumper I bought him in London, which he accepted with an exaggerated huff followed by a hard, long kiss, the rest of our week in Edinburgh follows a fairly standard routine. William and I work during the day and meet at my penthouse in the evening where we orgasm, talk, orgasm some more, and fall asleep naked. On the second night, I wank myself off while William watches, and that becomes a regular part of our nightly get togethers. I must admit, a tiny ache is starting to form. A desire for him to touch me. I assume he’s nervous. I haven’t pushed him and I won’t, though a small, selfish part of me hopes he feels ready soon.


